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"Steven?!" You cried out, rushing to his side. After being stopped by the Amethyst, you backed away, shifting your weight from one leg to another. After maybe 2 hours and with the help of a couple jaspers, they transferred Steven to his bed. You were sitting by his side, biting on your lip now that your nails were bitten to the brim. Fiddling with your fingers, clasping and unclasping them, you hummed a song to calm down. Flash forward another 2 hours. You had stood up, pacing back and forth in front of his bed. Looking up at the clock, you saw it was 12 AM. Sighing for the umpteenth time, you sat down again. Bouncing your knee, you looked around the room, too restless to sleep. "Stupid Steven..."You mumbled, running a hand through your h/c locks. "What did ya call me?" A rumbly voice asked. You craned your neck towards the voice and saw Steven sitting up on his elbow, glaring at you. "I- uh, I'm very sorry my diamond!" 

You squeaked, bowing your head. Instead of scolding you, he patted your head. "It's fine, Peaches." You blushed, looking up at him. "Uh, P-Peaches?" You timidly asked. "Yes, What's wrong with it?" He shrugged, falling back unto the sheets." "N-Nothing my Diamond!" You blinked, your face still red. "Stop calling me that, My name is Steven.." He mumbled, turning to you, his half-lidded eyes making eye-contact. Glancing away, you nodded. He snickered, closing his eyes. "Mm, Gonna sleep now, Don't let anyone bother us... "He murmured before dozing off, small snores being heard from him. Us?! Peaches?! This is all new?! What's wrong with him?? You thought, frowning at him before pulling out your notepad and opened to a fresh page. Scribbling down a title, Steven's odd behaviours. Starting a list of bullets, you noted each one down, Calling me Peaches?!, Patting my head?! Making me call him Steven, not my diamond?! It was so confusing to you. Putting it aside, you slumped back in your chair, attempting sleep.

After much shifting in your spot, you slept.

{Steven's POV}

I was back on Earth. Staring ahead, I saw my dad with open arms at the edge of the cliff over the temple house. He was shouting something, trying to yell over the wind. "WHAT?" He called out before his body rushed forward, making a shield. I screamed, trying to stop myself. My dad's face contorted into a terrified expression, as if he knew what would happen. He realized too late. Pushing his shield against Greg, it pushed him off the edge. Screeching to a stop at the very end of the cliff. Staring ahead, too fearful to look down as his father screamed, becoming more and more faint until there was nothing at all but a Thud! Backing away, Steven crouched down, holding his head in his hands. "No,nonononononono!" He repeated, screaming by the end. Shooting up, he breathed heavily, sweat slick on the back of his neck. Y/N looked up at him, eyes wide and alert. "What is it, my Diamond, are you okay??" She turned him to her, now aware there was no danger. "I-I'm fine. Just a bad dream. Sorry for waking you up, Peaches." He stammered, patting his cheeks.

{Your POV}

"Just fine, Go back to sleep, I'll be fine." He blinked, although you didn't buy any of it, you let it slide for now. "A-all right then, I better get going." You stood, but a hand latched unto your wrist, preventing your escape. "What now Steven?" You turned around, annoyed, but it all washed away when he looked up at you with those dreamy, chocolate eyes. Glancing away to prevent losing yourself in them, you sighed. "Fine, fine, I'll stay. But I'm not being your teddy bear!" You pointed, glaring at him. He grinned for what seemed like the first time. He looks cute when he smiles... You shook your head, Don't think like that! He's your diamond! Scolding yourself, you sat down in the chair. Steven fell back, holding unto your wrist, but slid down to your hand. Frowning stubbornly, you looked away, keeping hold of his hand tightly. Shifting in your chair until you found a somewhat comfortable position, you dozed off although the waves of pain from your gem still damaged washed over you. You held Steven's hand the whole night. 


Authors Note ;

Hi! Here have some floof! [sparkles fluff on]

Hope you enjoyed it! 



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