[7]"You're awake!"[7]

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A throbbing headache woke you up. Blinking away the remaining sleepiness. Sitting up, you winced, distant waves of pain washing over you. Brushing your fingertips against your gem, you yelped. Directing your attention away from the pain, you looked around the dark room. It seemed to have a pink hue to it. Am I in Steven's room? The sound of footsteps broke you out of your confusion and you quickly fell back, leading to another wave of pain. Pretending to sleep, you kept your senses on the lookout for whoever was in the room now. The person came closer, to the point you could feel its breath on you. You held your breath, waiting for the person to get away. It started mumbling, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry... It was all my fault." 

You turned around to face Steven. Pink, glowing tears streamed down his face, his shoulders shaking. He was looking down at the bed, clutching the sheets until his knuckles were ghost-white. He finally looked up at you and gasped. You rushed forward, embracing him tightly. He chuckled gleefully, standing and spinning you around. You chuckled along until his ear hit your gem. You yelped in pain, letting go of him. He put you down, backing away. "Did I hurt you?!" He exclaimed worriedly. You shook your head. "I'm fine, your ear just hit it. It's fine though, I'm fine." You repeated, putting your hands in front of you in an effort to calm him down. 

He sighed, keeping his distance from you. "Sleep well?" He asked sheepishly. You grinned, nodding. "How long has it been?" You inquired.
His face went pale, looking down at his feet. "Only a few days.." He murmured.
You gasped, your mind immediately going to all the work you've missed. They will be bound to have your head soon! You held your head. "Oh no, no, no, no.." You whispered to yourself. "What's wrong?" He asked, stepping closer before backing away. "My work! The tasks they have assigned me! I have done nothing!" You screeched. He snickered, an amused glint in his diamond eyes. "You're worried about that?! I had you put on a break, since you fainted! There's nothing to be worried about!" He grinned at you, shooting a thumbs up. You frowned, nodding slowly. "O-kay..." He nodded along. 

You sighed, sitting back on the bed. "Can we do something though?" You questioned, drawing out the last word. He shrugged, sitting down beside you although a bit distanced away. You noted to ask him about that later. "Wanna watch a movie or something?" You nodded, making yourself comfortable. He called out for the pebbles which they came rolling in, constructing a flat-screen T.V. You hummed, a pebble came. It hopped unto your hand outstretched.You giggled, patting its head gently. It giggled back, looking like it was blushing. You felt Steven's pink eyes on you, but you brushed it off. 

Once they were done, the pebbles rolled back inside the walls. You glanced at Steven, who was searching for a movie. He ended up choosing Anabelle. Although you normally didn't enjoy horror movies, (if you do like horror movies just pretend please >w<) You decided to not speak against him. Grabbing a pillow to cuddle, the movie started. Half way through you were scared half to death silently. Quivering in your spot, you felt his eyes on you. You glanced at him raising a brow, though unlikely he could see in the dark, he looked back to the television quickly. You shrugged, shifting in your spot.  Widening your eyes hence a horrid scene came on. You yelped, you scrambled to place the pillow on your face squeezing your eyes shut. Menacing sounds of flesh being torn apart echoed in the large room. Dark chuckles could be heard, removing the pillow from your face but directing your attention away from the horror movie, you looked at Steven staring at you.

 Your face heated up and he looked back to the movie pretending to be laughing at the movie. Frowning slightly, you watched the rest of the movie. While the credits rolled, you rubbed your eyes. Careful to avoid touching your embedded rock. "Tired?" He asked. You nodded, getting up, you croaked, "I'm gonna go." Steven nodded and shut the TV off. Waving goodbye and goodnight, you walked out of the room and set for your room. Looking down at your feet, you noticed too late that someone was running towards you and bumped into them but they catched you. Looking up at the hugger, your eyes met with Carmen's violet eyes. She squealed, grabbing the sides of your face ending up on your gem. You winced, pulling her hand away. She gasped, "I'm so sorry! I forgot. I'm so glad your awake though!" She grinned, grabbing your shoulders and pulling you into another tight hug. "You missed me that much?" You playfully remarked, snickering. 

She slapped your arm, laughing. "Of course you big goof!" Grinning, she walked beside you talking about what's been happening. "The Diamonds have been so frantic and just an awful mess lately! I've had to heal so many gems being proofed and electrocuted. It's been stressful." She ranted, rubbing her face. "That sucks." Was all you managed to say. She shrugged and before you knew it, you were outside your room. "See you later Car." You waved, opening the door. She smiled, "See ya!" Closing the door, you fell on the sheets sighing. When you closed your eyes you immediately fell asleep. 


Author's Note :

Finally! I'm very sorry for taking such a long time!! Anyways hope you enjoyed!


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