(1) They Are Firing Me?

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"Barnes this isn't good. I've got Coach Franklin on my ass and not to mention Duncan Parks the manager on it too. How could you sleep with not only Duncan's wife but his twin 20 year old daughters." Lucas White (Bucky's manager) said

"Hey look in my defense they came on to me. And besides the only reason why Duncan caught me with Elliana three days ago was because his golf game got cut short. And to be honest maybe if he wasn't so busy playing golf his wife wouldn't have been trying to sleep with me for the 4 and half years I've been apart of the Giants. And as far as Jordy and Kayla go they wanted it once they saw how much Ellie loved it. And twins are fun Luke." Bucky said

"Look Barnes this isn't like the time you got busted with some weed. This is your boss we are talking about here. And the story has already painted you as the bad guy in this. They are saying that you came on to them not what you are in here saying." Lucas said

Bucky sighed as he shook his head. "Then Rachel what would you propose I do?" He said as he looked at his publicist.

"Issue a formal apology in a press conference. If what you are saying is true then that should eliminate some of the heat off you. But it may not considering you have a reputation of being a playboy and have been with other married women." Rachel said

"You want me to kiss Duncan's ass! Oh my god fuck no! His wife came on to me 4 and half years ago at one of their fucking parties they throw for team. Whenever she needs a fix she calls me. Two years ago the twins caught us in the kitchen and wanted a turn except they wanted a turn together." Bucky said

"Do you want them to continue smearing your name Barnes? Or do you want keep your job?" Rachel said when she held up a newspaper

"Is Parks going to let Barnes go?"

Bucky groaned "Fine set up the stupid press conference." He said as he buried his face in his hands.

Three days later Bucky sat down at a table alone with press sitting in front of him. Not only was press there but so was the NFL commissioner.

"I would like to issue a formal apology to the Parks family as well as all Giants fans. I'm very sorry for how I've made myself look in the eyes of the press and the fans. I made a poor decision by sleeping with Mr Parks' wife and daughters. But if I'm allowed to be honest here it wasn't me that came on to them it was the other way around but they can continue to lie if they want cause I know the truth." He said then he walked off the stage with lights flashing from cameras and the press wanting to ask questions.

The commissioner looked at Lucas and Rachel as he shook his head. "We need to have a chat." He said

The press conference was all over the sports channels podcasts and newspapers. It even had made its way to Bucky's hometown Rosemount GA. His friends and family were defending him at every turn but there was one person that didn't care.

That was Landry Dallas she saw it all over her social media. She watched the video and it made her laugh as she graded her students final papers.

Bucky was told to lay low while his team tried to fix it. After three days Lucas called him to come in to his office. Bucky plopped down in one of the chairs.

"So.." Bucky said

"You've been cut." Lucas said

"Is this where you tell me you found me another team to play for?" Bucky said as he looked at his agent Elijah.

"I'm sorry Barnes. The commissoner has cut you from the league. My hands are tied now I can't trade you." Elijah said

"They are firing me?!" He said

"Yes I'm sorry Barnes." Elijah said

"This is such bullshit! I did what all three of you told me to do!" Bucky said

"And if you didn't act like a arrogant ass and started spouting off about how it was them. It would have gone smoother I told you to stick to the apology I wrote for you!" Rachel said

Bucky shook his head and walked out. When he got home he sat there in his apartment. He called his parents and told them what happened. Winnie convinced him to just come home. He booked a flight back home to GA he packed up all of his clothes in suitcases.

As he turned in his key he told the landlord to do whatever he wanted with the furniture. When he got on the plane he kept his hood up and headphones in. The last thing he wanted was to return home to the small town he grew up in.

He worked hard since he was 5 years old to be the best football player he could be. Ever since he watched his first NFL game that's all he wanted. He never cared for school and it showed growing up.

And if there was another person in his life that knew he didn't care for school that was Landry Dallas. She was the head peer tutor all throughout high school on top of being class president and book club president and debate team member. Anytime he was put on academic probation it was her that he was assigned to.

Landry would push him to get a grade higher than a C he wouldn't budge. He always told her "C average is all I need Ms smarty pants. I'm a football player I don't need straight As."

James picked him up from the airport he hugged him. "It's gonna be okay son. I know you wouldn't force yourself on a girl." He whispered

"Thanks dad." He said as he hugged him.

"Let's get your luggage and go home. Your mama is making dumplings for you." James said

They got to baggage claim and picked up his suitcases. After a long drive from Atlanta to Rosemount. He carried his stuff inside and went into his old bedroom.

Winnie came in." Hey baby dumplings will be ready in twenty. I put fresh sheets on your bed baby. And towels in your bathroom." She said

"Thanks mama." He whispered

"Baby look at me. I know my son and I believe you. And this is why I forced you to finish college so you had a back up plan. I have called Rhodes and Fury. They are coming for dinner tomorrow night to discuss job options for you." Winnie said

"Mom.." he said

"Baby you can use your teaching degree or did you plan on helping your daddy at the shop." Winnie said

Bucky looked down. "I haven't thought that far ahead mom." He said

"Well see aren't you glad that you have me as your mama." she said as she shook him by his chin.

He smiled at her. "Get cleaned up my boy and come eat okay." She said

"Okay." He said as he stood up he towered over her. He hugged her. "Happy to have my baby home." She said as she hugged him.

Bucky let her go to go into his bathroom to get cleaned up. Once he was done he joined his parents for dinner.

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