Chapter 1

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3 years later


"Cora Hazel! Get your butt back here! You know that we don't walk close to the street without Mommy's hand."

"Rorry Mommy." Cora gives me this little pouting face that melts my heart. In this moment I see so much of Braxton in her. Her eyes are just like his, I know because I have his memorized. A swirl of brown with hints of green, but it's not just her eyes. Her hair is just one shade lighter than his long dark brown hair was. He had it just slightly too long, not enough that he was due for a cut yet, but where I could grab onto it while he moved inside of me.

Cora did get my features though, everyone says we have the same nose and chin.

"It's okay baby girl, just be careful. I only want to keep you safe." We are going to the Houston Zoo today, she already has a passion for animals at just 3 years old. She has been asking for a puppy for a month already and I just want to wait until she gets a little older, and I need to find a good breeder. I grew up with golden retrievers and I loved it, they have such a calm temperament that is perfect for children.

As we make our way to the entrance, Cora can barely contain her excitement, I can't help but wonder what Braxton would think of her. Would he be as wrapped around her tiny fingers as I am? She owns my heart and I do everything I can to make her life the best it can be.

I try to spend as much of my time off with her as possibly and my mom, or as Cora calls her, "Grandma Jo" watches her while I'm at work.

As soon as I found out I was pregnant, I knew I had to take some off after having my baby. I work as a pediatric neurosurgeon at one of the top hospitals in Texas. I love my job, I wish I wasn't away from Cora so much, but I love being able to help these children and their families through the worst time of their lives.

I took off a year, and then went back and it's still a struggle sometimes, but my family helps a lot. I typically work from 9 a.m. to 5p.m. Monday - Friday, and it will make things easier when Cora starts school.

I pay for 1 adult ticket and 1 children's ticket, then we grab a map.

"What do you want to see first, Cora? The tiger or the elephant?"

"Tiger!" She giggles, and the sound makes me grin like a lunatic, but I don't care. There is nothing better than listening to your child laugh.

We walk around the zoo for hours, looking at all the animals and deciding our favorites, until 2. We got here at 10 and my girl looks tuckered out. It's a little past nap time, but I figure she can sleep on the way home.

"Honey, how about we go get some food then go home?" She nods her head and grabs my hand. We walk slowly towards the exit, that's one thing you learn as a parent, along with when they sleep you sleep, your pace has to match that of your child. If they want to walk slowly then you have to walk slow, if they want to run, well then let's hope you brought your Nikes.

We get to the car and I buckle Cora up in her car seat, she loves that thing, I swear when we bought it I let her pick out which one she wanted. She didn't hesitate for one second, she immediately pointed to the pink one and well here we are with the pink one. I turn on the video player in the back, it starts playing what I think is Cinderella. Cora loves Disney movies, she has seen all of them, multiple times.

I drive to a cafe that I used to go to for lunch sometimes. It is easy and has food that I know Cora will eat, like macaroni and cheese. I get lucky as we pull into the parking lot and an older gentleman is pulling out of a spot close to the door. We park then I jump out and unbuckle Cora.

She is about to fall asleep and I'm just glad it was a short drive, five more minutes and I would be rousing her from sleep.

We walk inside and it is busy, which isn't surprising because it is a Saturday which has always been their busiest day. Fortunately, they are quick and we are up next at the counter.

"Hi, what can I get for you today?" The waitress is young, probably a college student, but she seems young and bright.

"I would like an Italian panini and an order of macaroni and cheese." Cora reaches her arms up, signaling she wants me to pick her up. I grab her under her arms and lift her on my hip.

"Is that all today?"

"Yes, thank you." Cora lays her head on my shoulder and tries to hold back her yawn, but I can tell she is exhausted from the zoo.

"That will be $17.39. Cash or card."

"Card." I pull out my Visa from my phone case and hand it to her.

"Okay, here's your receipt, just wait down there and we will call out the order." The young waitress passes back my card and the receipt. I put the card back in my phone case and the receipt in my back pocket. Then walk down the counter to wait. That's when I spot him. Sitting at a booth with a computer typing away. He has absolutely no idea that his daughter is on my hip about to fall asleep or that she even exists. 

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