Chapter 33

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"Em, come outside. You two have to see this sunset!" It's a mix of pinks and blues. There is even a splash of orange.

"Wow, that is gorgeous." Em and Cora walk outside, they were inside playing, but I knew they would like to see it.

I lift Cora to my left hip and pull Em close on my right side, she runs her fingers down my face in a soothing manner. It bruised and is currently a mix of black and purple.

This right here is all I'll ever need.

Yesterday was the day she forgave me and when we woke up today we went home. We spent the day just enjoying the company of our family.

We went to the park and fed ducks. Cora loves animals of all sorts, especially Lilly. When she found out I got her a puppy she flipped. It was the cutest thing ever. She loves to brush her and throw her toys.

After the park, we went for some ice cream and then came home to lounge. I don't need anything, but them to enjoy an afternoon.

"It looks so pretty, daddy!" She smiles up at me and I swear this is nothing better than when she calls me daddy.

"It really does, buttercup! Do you have any ideas for what we should name your brother?" I have been thinking about it all day. Giving our son a name is important. If we fuck up, he could pay for it forever.

"My fwiend's name is Aaron. You could name him that." I chuckle, she doesn't know a ton of names, except for the people she knows.

"What do you think, Em? Aaron?" She looks away from the sunset to me.

"Hmm. I really want to have some sort of coordination with Cora's name. Maybe a C name?" I grin at her.

That really doesn't surprise me, especially because that's what her parents did.

"That gives us a start. What are some C names? Carter? Corbin? Charlie?" I don't love any of those, but I thought I should toss them out. Em is the one that is literally carrying our baby and she's gonna have to give birth to him. That means she gets the trump over his name.

"I kinda like Corbin, but it doesn't feel right." It's getting chilly outside, so I wrap my arms around my girls a little tighter and they both burrow into me.

"We will know when it's right. How did you name Cora?" I'm sad I missed it, but I have a second chance with our son. Hopefully, I will have this opportunity again!

"I saw it in a baby book. I had a few ideas in my head, but when I saw her I knew she was a Cora. I didn't find out her gender though, so I thought about boy names then too. I would have named her Harrison if she was a boy." I like Harrison, but I'm glad Cora is a girl. I love my girls so much and I can't imagine our life any different.

"I like Harrison. We will have to look in more baby books and think about it. Are you ready to go inside? It's getting cold." I want her to go inside, but I know she'll be smart about it. If she's not ready then I'll just hold her closer.

"Yeah, daddy! I'm cold. Can we have spaghetti?" I smile and nod. This girl loves pasta of any kind.

"I'm ready, I can go start on the spaghetti." She kisses my cheek and walks inside.

I carry Cora inside and we help Em in the kitchen.

Soon, dinner's ready and we sit down at the table.

"Something else, I've been thinking about. Where do you want to get married? Do you want to wait until after the baby is born?" I hope she'll agree before he is born. I can't wait to make our family official.

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