Chapter 25

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My phone rings and I hurry to answer before I wake Em. She has been so tired, her body is trying to heal and she's carrying our baby, I wish I could do more for her.

"Braxton, we're here." This is Leo, he brought up Cora, so that she could see Emily, who has been asking for her. If Em had it her way, Cora would have been here the first day she was awake, but I held off.

I didn't want to scare Cora and Emily wasn't staying awake for long periods those first few days. She has been staying awake for longer now, but she's been asleep since early afternoon yesterday, when we had the ultrasound.

"Okay, she's asleep, but how about if I bring you guys up first then wake her. I want her to rest a little more."

"Okay. We will be in the waiting room." He hangs up and I hurry down there.

"Daddy!" I rush to pick her up.

"Hey, buttercup! How are you?" She is smiling so big and it breaks my heart a little. I've missed her so much, but I knew she was in good hands with our family. I needed to be with Emily.

"Goot! See mommy?" I start walking up to her room, but I need to explain it to Cora first.

"Okay buttercup, but before you see mommy, I need to tell you something. When mommy was hurt she needed to go to sleep for a little while, so that's why she couldn't talk to you last time, remember." She nods and I continue.

"Well, mommy is feeling better so she's awake now, but she's gonna be really tired and we need to be careful okay? So be gentle with her. Do you want to see a picture of the baby?" I pull out one of the ultrasound pictures and show her.

"That's my little bwother or sister!" The excitement on her face is adorable. I see Jo and Leo walking towards us and I pass Cora to Leo.

"It sure is, now wait here for a minute. I need to go check on mommy." I smile at the three of them before walking into the room.

Once I'm by her side again, I brush my hand over her face. Pushing her hair back, all the blood is washed out now and it is brushed.

"Em, I need you to wake up for me. Our little girl is here to see you." Gently I rub her non-injured arm and she cracks open her eyes.

"Cora?" I pass her more water, she always seems to need it after she wakes up.

"Sit tight, I'll get her." I walk back out to where they are standing by the window in her room, presumably watching my interaction with Em.

I take Cora back and walk into the room once more.

"Cora!" Emily's smile is huge, this is exactly what she needed. From the look on Cora's face, I'd say she needed it to.

"Mommy!" I set her down on the bed beside Em and she draws her into a hug. It worries me, I need both of them to be careful.

"Be car-" I don't even finish my sentence before Em throws me a glare. I raise my hands up and sit down beside the bed.

"How are you, baby girl?"

"Goot, Mommy. I made you picture!" She passes it over and I catch a glimpse. I have no idea what she drew, but it definitely made them both smile.

"Thank you so much! Did you have fun with grandma and grandpa?"

"Yeah! I had a bunch of sleepovers!" Her smile is contagious and soon I realize I'm grinning.

They spend time just talking and spending time together, before Em starts yawning.

"Okay, Cora it's time to let mommy rest. I love you so so much, buttercup. I'll see you soon." I kiss her forehead and set her on the ground.

"Thank you guys so much for watching her."

"Of course, we love spending time with her. It's practice for when you two have the little one. What is it this week?" Jo smiles widely and I can tell she really does enjoy her time with Cora.

"The lemon or squirt. But thank you. Really, for all your help!"

"Thank you for taking care of our girl." I nod as they walk away and wave when they get to the corner.

Then go back to Emily.

"Time to rest, baby. Was it good to see Cora?" She can barely keep her eyes open, but I can tell she's fighting it.

"Yes. Lay with me." I can't deny her. I lift her up slightly and slide in beside her.

My arms wrap around her and she snuggles into me, already asleep.

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