Chapter 9

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Tears start forming in my eyes. I really didn't know he felt that way. How does he expect me to trust that he's just going to stay?

"I'm sorry, but I can't just rely on you. You can say you won't leave, but it's all been on me. You haven't been here caring for her. And that may not be your fault, but it doesn't make it any easier to trust you." He looks so distraught and I can tell that the thought of him losing us causes him real fear. When he sees the tears I can't hold back, his expression changes to determined.

"I'm not going anywhere, so I'll just have to show you to trust me." He leans in for a second and gives me a moment to push him away.

I can't though, it's not just him that wants this.

The moment his lips slam against mine, everything feels right again. I forget all about the pain and sorrow. I don't worry about Cora asleep in her bed or that he will leave, I just focus on how soft his lips are.

His tongue runs along the seam of my lips and coaxes them open. Our tongues tangle together and he pulls my body flush to his. His body is rock hard, definitely not a dad bod, he must go to the gym daily.

Our tongues tangle together, as his hands roam up my body. Starting with my hips and then gently running over my nibbles making them harden. His hands feel like magic running over my curves. It's been so long since anyone has touched me. My skin practically tingles under his hands.

"Jesus Emily." He says gravelly as he pulls away. I look into his eyes and see lust staring right back at me.

"Don't stop." My voice is so breathy, I would normally be embarrassed, but I can't find it in me to care.

He pulls me back into another kiss and this time it's different. There is still hunger, but he's gentle and caressing.

"Cora's already asleep." My voice is laced with underlying meaning.

He takes my hand and pulls me up the stairs.

"Which room is yours?" I point to the master bedroom at the end of the hallway.

After we lock the door, I take off my shirt and his darken even more. He lays me on the bed and takes off his shirt.

"Oh my... " His muscles are even more pronounced than they were 4 years ago. He's completely ripped and his muscles flex as he climbs on to the bed over me.

I lift up just enough for him to unclasp my bra. He greedily latches on to my right nipple and sucks, I rise up off the bed and he just chuckles. His hands pinch my other nipple, then he moves to the other side and gives it equal attention.

My hands roam his upper body, feeling as his muscles flex. His hands reach for the button on my jean shorts and I nod.

"Are you sure?" He looks at me and I know he would stop if I asked, but I want nothing less.


He quickly undoes the button and draws down the zipper. I lift my hips to help him pull them off.

He licks his lips when he sees my light pink lace panties.

He's lucky that I threw these on this morning, typically I just wear cotton, but I haven't done laundry in a few days.

"I just have to taste you, Em." He tears my panties away and I gasp. No one has ever done that before and it's so hot.

The first swipe of his tongue and I'm already dripping. He laps up my voices and I moan. Few men have ever done this for me and he is the best by far.

He brings his middle finger to my clit and circles lightly.

"I'm so close, Braxton." His name is practically a moan.

"Come Em. Come all over my face." He pushed his tongue inside and I'm gone. My body detonates and I swear I think I might pass out. His finger keeps circling and draws out my orgasm.

When I can open my eyes again, I see his eyes still dark with lust and I bring my hand to his jeans.

He moans when I palm his cock, moving my hand up and down slowly.

"Em, you gotta stop." I draw down his fly and he undoes the button and then pulls them off with his boxers.

He looks even bigger than he did before. I can tell I'm dripping again and I can't wait to have him inside me again.

"I need you, now." He grabs his wallet from his jeans and pulls out a strip of condoms.

He rolls one on his hard length and comes back to the bed.

He slides his cock through my folds and I'm so ready for him.

He gently slides the tip in and then pushes all the way in and waits for a moment. Letting me get used to his girth.

"Move, Braxton."

"You are so tight." His hands roll my nipples and he kisses me hard.

He begins to rock in and out, making me moan loudly. It's a good thing Cora is such a deep sleeper.

He started thrusting harder and faster, bringing me to the edge again. He thrust twice more and I can't hold on any longer. 

He pumps into me a few more times before coming with me.

When we both finish, he rolls onto his back and rolls me on top of him.

"I don't want to crush you, Em." I try to catch my breath before responding.

"Guess you still have it." He gives me a sly grin.

"Let me go take care of this and I'll show you again." He slides out and walks to the bathroom. When he comes back he lets his eyes run over my body, before grabbing another condom.

"Round two."

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