Chapter 17

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Today we have our first appointment for the baby and I am beyond excited. I missed all this the first time with Cora and I vowed to be here every step of the way with this baby.

We may have only known about this baby for a few weeks, but things could not be going better.

I have become a staple for Sunday night dinners at Emily's parent's house. I actually really like them and it seems to be mutual. Her brother Ethan has warmed up to me and we have a lot in common.

I told my parents over the phone about Cora a few weeks ago. My mother was ecstatic, she has been begging for grandkids as soon as I turned 25. Here I am at 30, with a 3 year old and a baby on the way.

We have actually been planning on going to dinner at their house, so they can meet Cora and the love of my life.

"Wait there." I turn off the car and get out before rushing to open hers.

"Thanks." I grab her hand and we walk into the doctor's office.

"Hi I'm Emily Shaw, here for my 11:30." The receptionist nods and tells us to take a seat.

The office is really nice, even the waiting room is comfortable. I look around the room at all the women, some have some baby bumps and some look like they are about to pop. I can't wait for Em to get a baby bump, Seeing her body grow with our baby is literally a dream of mine.

"Are you excited?" She looks over at me with a small smile.

"Yes, I can't wait. I wish I was here for everything with Cora, but trust me I'm going to be here every midnight craving and kick of the way." She squeezes my hand and then stands up when her name is called.

We walk back to a room and they stop to check her weight.

"Okay, please put this gown on and remove everything except for your bra." The nurse walks out and closes the door.

"Here let me help." I waggle my eyebrows and pull off her shirt.

She sits down to take off her pants and panties, and I have to adjust myself. When he gets the gown on she sits down on the table and grins at me knowingly.

"What can I say?" Before she can reply, the nurse comes back in and asks for a urine sample.

After that is taken care of, they check her blood pressure and then the doctor comes in.

"Hi, I'm Dr.Davidson. Nice to see you again, Dr.Shaw. Dad I presume?" He holds out his hand.

"Yes." I shake his hand, but I won't lie. It makes me a little uncomfortable she has a guy doctor.

"Okay, first we'll start with a vaginal ultrasound." He wheels over a machine and then pulls out a phallic-shaped instrument and spreads a condom over it. He squirts some lubricant on the instrument.

"Ready? It might be cold." What the fuck? That thing is going inside her?

Emily nods and places her feet in the stirrups. Dr.Davidson turns on the machine and then slowly guides the monitor inside her.

I squeeze her hand because this can't be the most comfortable thing, I want her to know I'm here. The doctor clicks some buttons on the machine and then the silence is filled with a whooshing sound.

"That's your baby's heartbeat." I barely even registered with the doctor. I look at Emily who has tears in her eyes. If I'm being honest, I do too.

"Thank you. God, I love you, Em." I kiss her forehead and we listen to our baby in between us.

"I put that on a CD for you guys, now we can try an ultrasound and see if we get another view of your baby." He pulls the device out of Emily and we watch quietly while he gets the ultrasound ready. He passes me a blanket and I drape it over Emily's legs then pull the gown up.

After drizzling some jell on her stomach, Dr.Davidson places the wand on her stomach before turning the screen to us.

"You are at about 8 weeks. If you look here you can see that it is the baby's head." He points at the screen and I am completely enthralled. 

He types some things on the machine and then turns to us.

"We are all done today, you can walk back out and the receptionist can get your next appointment scheduled. Congratulations!" He hands over a few printed ultrasound pictures and I take them.

"Thank you."

After getting her 12 week appointment scheduled and the prescription for prenatal vitamins, we leave the office.

"Are you hungry? We can go eat somewhere." Really I just don't want to leave her, Cora is with her brother, but they think we are going on a date. We decided not to tell anyone about the baby yet.

"Yeah, I'm starved. Can we go to the cafe that we met the second time?" I laugh and help her in the car. We make small talk on the way over to the cafe and I can't help, but keep thinking about our baby. Hearing the heartbeat made everything so real, we are gonna have another baby, Cora's gonna be a big sister. I want to make our family official though. I know it might take some time, but in the near future I'm gonna need to find an engagement ring.

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