Chapter 10

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I wake up and slowly feel a warm body in my arms. My eyes pop open when I remember it's Emily. She's still asleep, so I check the clock and see that it's only 6, so I have some time before I have to get to work.

I get up and go to the bathroom then decide to make her and Cora breakfast. I know she doesn't work until 9, so she can sleep for a little while longer.

I survey her kitchen and find the makings for pancakes and bacon. First, I turn on the coffee machine, we were up late into the night and I'm sure we could both use some caffeine. Then, I heat up the oven and find a tray and foil for the bacon, then plug in the griddle. I finish stirring the pancake mix when I hear tiny feet patter on the stairs.

I turn around and smile when I see Cora walking towards me.

"Hey Cora, I thought I would make breakfast. Do you like pancakes and bacon?"

"I wove them! Panwakes are my favorite!" She smiles at me so big and I pick her up and spin her around before setting her back down.

"Do you want to help?"


I warn her to step back while I put the bacon in the oven. Then I lift her over the counter and let her pour a few pancakes on the griddle. Surprisingly she doesn't make them too big. Once she's satisfied. I finish the rest making sure to try cool designs she suggests.

I finish breakfast and get the table set.

"How 'bout you sit here for a minute and I'll go get your mom. Okay Buttercup?" She gives me a shy nod and I grin back at her. I accidentally slipped earlier when I called her buttercup, but she gave me that shy smile, so it's not so much a slip anymore.

"Em, wake up. I made breakfast and Cora is waiting for us." She blinks her eyelids open and I see visions of waking up next to her for the rest of my life.

"Okay, just let me throw some clothes on." I nod and walk back downstairs to Cora.

"What's your favorite drink? Milk? Orange juice? Water?" She bounces a little in her seat on the chair.

"Juice! Is mommy coming yet? I hungwy." I grab her juice and coffee for Emily and I and bring it to the table.

"I am hungry." I correct.

Just then Emily walks down the stairs in yoga pants and a t-shirt.

'Wow, this looks amazing." She genuinely looks impressed.

"I help mommy!"

"You did? Good job! Let's eat!"

I cut up Cora's pancakes and bacon and then we dive in. It's pretty good, I'm usually in a rush and just grab coffee.

"Yum these are sooo goot!" Cora says.

"Yeah they really are, maybe we'll keep you." She winks at me and I can tell it's not just about my breakfast skills.

We finish breakfast and I do the dishes, while Emily hops in the shower.

"Em, I've gotta go, so I'm not late for work. Lock the door behind me and text me okay?"

"Yeah, thanks for breakfast and last night, even if we didn't get to watch a movie." I bark out a laugh and walk to my car. This is the best morning I've had in a long time, hopefully one I can repeat soon. 

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