Chapter 18

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"Hurry up, Cora. We are going to meet your grandparents." So not only are we going to be late, but I feel like I'm going to puke and only 50% of it is because I'm pregnant. No one, but Braxton knows I'm pregnant yet, but we decided that at the end of the first trimester we would tell our families. Since I'm already ten weeks, it's not long. It's a good thing we are halfway through fall because I will be starting to get the tiniest little bump in a few weeks.

"Coming mommy." Braxton pulls up in our driveway and I pick her up and buckle her in the back.

Braxton opens the door for me and I climb in, when he gets back he starts to pull out of the driveway.

"You should have let me get her in the carseat. We can't have you hurting yourself lifting her up so much." I shake my head and smile, I wouldn't lift a finger if he had it his way.

My nerves start up again and I just hope his parents and sister like me and Cora. I know his mom is really excited to have a grandchild, but I hope they will love her for who she is.

"Hey, stop worrying. They can't wait to meet you and I know they will love you both, maybe even almost as much as I do." He rest his big hand on my knee and I place my hand over top of it.

"Thank you, now tell me more about them."

By the time we reach their house, I feel as if I know them a little because of Braxton's in-depth stories.

He hops out and gets my door, before getting Cora out of the back. We walk up to the house and he opens the door.

"Hey, mom, dad, I have someone I want you to meet." They come out of the kitchen to the living room, where we are.

"Hi, I'm Emily and this is Cora." Not one to be shy, she walks in front of me and looks them up and down. Braxton's mom gives me a quick hug and tells me to call her May.


"Hi Cora. I'm Grandma May. I have heard so much about you." She crouches to her level and gives her a hug.

"What do you say we go find some cookies?"

"Yes, please!" She hurries after May to the kitchen.

"Well, she certainly didn't learn her manners from you, son. Hi, I'm Jack, it's nice to meet you."

"You too."

"How's it going, dad?" Braxton seems happy to see his parents, but his sister still isn't here and if I know anything it's that I want to make a good impression.

"Good, you might want to go check on them in the kitchen, though. It sounds a little too quiet."

Braxton directs me into the kitchen and we turn the corner to see Cora and May sitting at the island with a few cookies.

Cora is jabbering on and on about school, since she just started preschool recently. I lean back against Braxton as we watch our daughter. I feel his eyes on me, so I look up and they are full of love. I can't help, but feel like this is where I belong, in his arms, watching our daughter.

"Hey guys!" A perky voice from the living room has me nervous once more. His sister walks into the kitchen and wraps me in a hug.

"You must be Emily. It's so good to meet you." Braxton must see the plea in my eyes.

"Charlotte, give her a chance to breathe." She pulls away and her husband walks up behind her.

"You must be Charlotte. It's nice to meet you too." She smiles and then starts searching the room with her eyes.

"Where is my niece?" I walk over to where Cora is sitting and lift her up to my hip.

"Cora, I want you to meet Daddy's sister."

Charlotte walks over to us and all eyes in the room are on the interaction.

"Hi, Cora. I'm Aunt Charlotte!" Cora lets out a little giggle and I feel so much lighter.

That went way better than I expected, they have all been great with Cora and super welcoming.

Everyone plays with Cora before dinner and then we all sit down to eat.

"This looks delicious, thank you, May." It really does, she made fried chicken and a ton of side dishes.

Dinner is going great until Jack brings a bottle of wine over to the table and hands it to Braxton. My eyes cut to Braxton and convey worry. I can't drink any, but we also didn't want to tell anyone yet, short of telling everyone I'm an alcoholic, I don't know how to get out of it.

"Here. We will get it, will you help me Em?" I walk after him to the kitchen.

"I can't drink, Brax." My voice is just above a whisper.

"I know that."

"What are we gonna do?"

He corks it and starts pouring it into glasses. Then he snaps his fingers!

"Work, say you are on call or something. I can't drink either."

I look at him like he's crazy.

"What do you mean you can't drink?" My voice drops even quieter. "Did you get knocked up? Because last time I checked, I was the pregnant one."

"No, I'm driving you guys home. I'm not going to chance anything, we have both seen way too many accidents that way." I nod my understanding.

"Okay, sorry for freaking out, but seriously they have to buy it. We're not ready to tell anyone." I walk back into the dining room and pass out the glasses.

"Are you not having any?" This comes from Charlotte and I draw in a breath.

"Nope, I'm on call." I told them earlier about my job at the hospital, so they seem to believe me.

"What about you Braxton?" This one comes from May.

"I have to drive them home." His voice is so confident. I can tell that Jack is about to say something, but then Cora speaks up.

"Mommy, I have to go potty!" I stand and pick her up.

"Come on girlie." I take her to the bathroom and when we get back everyone is helping clean up.

"Hey, you guys ready? I need to get my girls home. Buttercup, it's almost bedtime." I smile at him, I love it when he calls her that, it's the cutest thing and Cora loves it too.

"Yep! Thank you so much May and Jack. Dinner was amazing! And it was really nice to meet you, Charlotte. You too, Harry." He seems like the quiet type, but he was very welcoming all the same. 

"You are welcome anytime and please bring Cora back soon. She was a joy." May has been so sweet all night and I can tell she is gonna spoil Cora rotten.

"We need to get together for a girl's night some time!" Charlotte wraps me in another bone crushing hug, but this time I was prepared for it.

"Bye guys! Drive safe!" Braxton waves behind us and we walk out.

Once we are in the car and on the road I release a sigh.

"Em, are you tired?" That's Braxton for you. Always asking how I am and worrying.

"Yeah, but tonight was fun. I really like your family."

"I like your family too. Almost as much as I love you." How is he always so sweet like this?

"I love you too." I yawn and relax back into the seat. 

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