Chapter 27

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"I can be there in about twenty minutes, thank you." The guy hangs up with me and I grin.

If all goes well, I will be Em's real fiancé in about an hour.

I just got off the phone with the breeder that I found and the puppy has been ready, I delayed it a little while because I wanted Em to be ready. I picked a red golden retriever. Perfect for my girls and the avocado.

At 16 weeks, the gender reveal party is only a month away and this week our baby is the size of an avocado. I love seeing the changes in Em. Her baby bump is constantly growing in size and in the book I read, we should be able to feel kicks soon.

The drive is pretty short, but it's out in the country so it's actually a nice drive.

I pull into the driveway and hop out. The pink leash is already in my hand and the man is walking my way.

"Braxton, good to see you again. I was sorry to hear about the accident, but my family definitely enjoyed the extra time with this one." I smile and shake his hand.

"So this must be the newest addition to my family. Thank you so much." I paid prior to the pick up, so I hook the leash to my new girl.

"Your welcome. Enjoy her." We walk to my SUV and the pup hops inside. I picked up food and all the other necessities last week, so all I need now is to put the ring on her collar.

Em started back at work this week and she has been doing great. I know she's tired, but I can tell she missed it a lot.

I have everyone in on it, so Cora is spending the night with her Uncle Ethan.

At the last doctor's appointment we got the all clear to have sex and that's when I decided it was time to stop pushing back my proposal.

I couldn't propose before though because I know I'll need to make love to her afterward. I sound like a pussy, but if I'm being honest I love my life with my little family. I can't imagine going back to that sad life I had before them. On that note, I pick up my phone and call Henry.

"Hey, man. It's been a while." I called him once after the accident to let him know I couldn't make it to the bar with him, but haven't talked to him since.

"I know, sorry things have been really busy."

"How are Emily and Cora? The baby?" He can't understand wanting to be with one woman, but I can't wait until some woman knocks him off his feet.

"Everyone is good. Healthy. I'm actually proposing tonight."

"What the fuck? Really?" He sounds astonished.

"Definitely, I really hope she says yes."

"Well good luck, brother. Listen, I gotta go, but we should hang soon."

We make plans for the beginning of next week and then end the call.

I pull into the driveway and take a few deep breaths. I can do this.

I twist around to the back and pull out the ring. After tying it to her collar, I take the box of his things and place it in the garage. I quickly take her around back and tie her to one of the trees.

Then I walk inside.

"Hey, Em. How was your day?" She is sitting in the living room reading one of those romance novels she loves.

"It was really good! How was yours?" She walks over and presses a kiss to my cheek.

"It was good too. I actually want to show you something. Close your eyes. Hold on to me, okay?" She closes her eyes, but not before giving me a skeptical look.

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