Chapter 11

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It's already been a month since Braxton slept over, and time has been flying by. He has been getting closer and closer to Cora. he also has taken me out on two dates. One of which turned into another sleepover.

He knows he's wearing me down, but I'm still worried he's gonna leave us. I'm trying to just go with it though, he has been amazing and I'd be a fool to not enjoy him while he's here.

"Dr.Emily?" I turn my head to look at the little girl with pigtails as she pulls me out of my thoughts.

"Yes, sweetie?"

"Will you fix me?" My heart aches for her. She has a choroid plexus carcinoma, which is a brain tumor typically found in kids. I'm operating on her today and taking it out, but at only 6 years old she doesn't understand much about it.

"I'm gonna try, okay? After surgery you should be as good as new. We got this, Summer!" I nod at her parents and walk out of the room. Her surgery is in an hour and she'll be getting prepped soon. I round on my other patients and soon enough it's time for me to do Summer's surgery.

I put on my pink scrub cap and go up the elevator to the OR floor.

Once in the scrub room, I take off my jewelry, then start scrubbing. My mind always wanders when I scrub and I think about Cora. I really hope that spending time with Braxton will be good for her. If he leaves, she's gonna be heartbroken, who am I kidding? I'm gonna be heartbroken too.


"Summer's surgery went really well. I was able to get the whole tumor. This means that we will use Radiation to make sure we got all of it and then she will get checked every few months. She is in recovery, but you can go see her in a little while!" The family looks so relieved. I can't imagine how hard it would be if anything happened to Cora. Summer's mom wraps me in a hug.

"Thank you so much!" She nods at me and I walk away.

I'm glad that we got the whole tumor, sometimes with the placement it can be difficult or can risk motor functions.

I finish up some paperwork, then my shift is over, so I head to my parent's to grab Cora. I pull in and walk inside.

"Hey mom. How was your guys' day?" They are laying on the couch watching yet another Disney movie.

"Well, I think she might be coming down with something. She had a temperature earlier and didn't feel good." I rush to her side.

"What's wrong, baby girl?"

"I don't feel good, mommy." I feel her forehead and it's still a little warm.

"Okay, let's go home. We can watch movies all night and maybe even eat some soup." She nods and I bend down and pick her up, blanket and all. I take and put her in the car and thank my mom.

When we get home I pick her up again and take her inside to the couch. After I get her situated, I grab another blanket and the remote. We cuddle up and watch movies for most of the day. She sleeps for a while and I continue giving her medicine to keep her fever down.

She wakes up later and I think she's doing better until she throws up all over me and the couch.

I carry her to the bathroom and she pukes for a little while and then she finally falls asleep again.

I go clean up the couch and grab a quick shower. There is nothing worse than when your baby is sick. I feel so helpless.

It's a good thing tomorrow is Saturday because there is no way I could go to work with her sick like this.

On my way to the bathroom, I pick up a bucket and then I carry her to her bed. We both fall asleep in her room and when I wake up Cora is up too.

"How do you feel, baby girl?"

"Better mommy, but my tummy still hurts."

"Okay, how does some soup sound?" She nods and I go warm up some chicken noodle soup.

I hear my phone ringing when I reach the stairs, so after I take her the soup, I answer the call.


"Emily? Why didn't you answer my texts?"

"Sorry, Cora has the flu, I've been taking care of her. Did you need something?"

"No, I was just worried, do you need anything? I can bring medicine or food." I hesitate for a moment and he notices.

"Emily, please let me help."

"Okay, you can pick up some children's tylenol. And maybe some food."

"Thank you! I'll be there soon." I hang up and sigh. It will be nice to have someone else to help me.

When he gets here, I open the door before he can ring the doorbell. I don't want to wake Cora.

"Here's the medicine, and I picked up some sandwiches and soup." He hands me the bag of food.

"Thank you, I'm starving."

I take Cora's temperature one more time and then we sit down and eat.

"I'm sorry, I'm just not used to having help. When she's sick, it's just me. I'll try to let you help."

"I understand, but I'm not going anywhere. Lean on me. Why don't you go take a nap, you look exhausted. I'll check on Cora and bring her some soup."

"Okay, but if you need something, please come get me."

I go lay down in my bed and quickly fall asleep. 

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