Chapter 25

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"Eri, I'm sorry.. But, let go.. I'm 'not' going to die, but I'm going to not.. Be your.. Dad anymore!.. Go with Shinso.. Please don't make this harder than it already is.." "Fine. Let me go. I don't want someone who doesn't want me." She jumps out of my arms. "Goodbye, dad.." I start to walk away. Everyone just staring at me, while I walk away.. "Goodbye, my love.." I say while teleporting to the rooftop. Eri looks up to see me.. "DAD! NO! P-PLEASE!" everyone looks up at me.. Some try and get to the rooftop, while other just watch, covering their mouths.. "Don't worry, I'll leave you alone.. This time, forever.. No more bothering other people, no more suffering.." I say while falling.. "DAD!" She runs as fast as she can to where I was going to land. But, I just keep falling.. Remembering more memories of me and Eri. How she smiled, how we went to the beach together, today.. I smile. Then, I black out. 

Eri's POV 

I quickly run over to my dad, he... Jumped. I start to cry. I start to use my quirk, dad taught me how to use it, and so I use it. "COME ON, DAD! WAKE UP!!!!" then he puts his hand on my cheek. "Don't worry.. My love.. Don't use your quirk on me.. It's going to be useless." "Y-You're not useless.. Y-you're my everything! Dad, you're my hero! You're my dad, how am I supposed to survive without my everything?!" "I-I'm not you're everything.. Eri, I'm just a person.." "YOU'RE MY FAVORITE PERSON! YOU'RE PERFECT TO ME! IF YOU LEAVE I'LL LEAVE TOO!" "Please.. Stop Eri.." I start keep using my quirk more, making it go faster. "Eri, stop.. Please.." "NO! I'M NOT LETTING GO! YOU'RE MY HERO! SO SHUT UP!" 

Izuku's POV:

I start to smile. "Eri, you did well.. But, no.. Stop. I can't be re-winded.. I can take away your quirk.." I try and it doesn't work. "I'M LETTING GO! YOU AREN'T EITHER! I'M GOING TO BE YOUR HERO! LET. ME. HELP. YOU!" My vision starts to clear up.. "Eri, you can stop now, I'm here.." She hugs me so tightly. "P-please.. Never.. Again.. I love you too much.." she falls asleep on me.. I'm just lying there not saying anything.. I start to go through her hair. Everyone starts to run to me. "WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!?" "WHAT THE HECK!? WHY!?" "WHAT THE FUCK NERD!?" "You shouldn't have done that." "I was so worried about you!" "Please don't do that again Midoryia." I see Mr. Aizawa and Shinso just stand there, in shock.. Shinso just starts running over to me. He falls onto his knees and then he just starts crying. "I-I'M SO SORRY! IF I DIDN'T LET MY DAD CALL THE POLICE THIS WOULDN'T HAVE HAPPEND! I AM SO SORRY! PLEASE! DON'T LEAVE!" "Shinso.. Do you really mean it?.." I see him starting to cry even harder. "I cried every single minute inside my head.. When you jumped and also when you were taken away.." 'I guess I can forgive him... I do love him...' "Shinso.. I-I forgive you.." he stops crying and then he starts cuddling me. He falls asleep right after.  

Mr. Aizawa comes over and almost says something. But, he already knew I knew what he was going to say. I nod. He smiles. "You moving back?.." "We're getting dorms anyways. I suggested it to Nezu.. So, I guess I'm not really moving back.." "Alright. At least let me bring you problem children to Recovery Girl." "I can carry them." "You just jumped off of a 200 feet building. No you're not." "Eri re-winded me to the point where I almost didn't have a quirk, so I'm pretty sure I can still walk." I sit up and look at the blood puddle. "Damn. That's a lot of blood.. Kinda wish I could pick it up. Eh." I pick up Eri and put her on my shoulders. I pick up Shinso bridle style. "You never fail to surprise me problem child," "I know." I say and then teleport to Recovery girl's office. "What are you doing here again?" "Oh, yea, uhm, I'll explain once I get these two in a bed." I say while putting Shinso and Eri next to each other.  I start explaining how the whole day went. She looks surprised when I say I jumped and Eri saved me. "I-I didn't know.." "It's fine. It's not your fault I'm depressed anyways." "Wait, you're depressed?" She asked surprisingly. "Uhm, yea.. I also have anxiety..." "D-daddy? You're alive?.. Thank god." 

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