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Jeremy's pov-

I sat in a metal fold up chair outside in the rain. My whole family was there dressed in black and grey. I sat in the front row. I looked at the coffin with flowers ontop.

"Here, her son jeremy, would like to say a few words.." the preist said stepping aside.

I walked up and stood behind the table. I pulled a piece of crumbled up notebook paper from my left pocket. I felt a tear roll down my face.

"I... I knew my mother t-the best... probably. But, she was, and is, a good mother..." I felt my voice choke up.

I wiped my eyes from tears. I talked for a while about how my mother was a very good woman. People in the audience grabbed tissues and wiped their eyes, and the women trying not to ruin their black eye liner. I lowered my head and walked back to my seat after putting a red rose on my mothers coffin. My aunt put her arm around me and held me close as my mothers coffin lowered into the ground slowly.

"Goodbye, mother..." I whispered softly.

After my mothers funeral everyone left the graveyard in sorrow. I slowly walked to my dads car. I opened the car door and sat next to my dad, who was driving. He barley had a tear in his green eyes. I shut the car door and rolled up the windows so the cold rain couldn't get in.-

-months later-

I was still upset about my mothers unknown death. But ever since she left, my life has been miserable. My father started drinking and getting drunk. I had a picture of her in my empty wallet. Every night I would tell her goodnight.

"YOU STUPID IDIOT! YOUR MOTHERS DEATH WAS YOUR FAULT!" My father yelled at me everyday, saying it was all my fault... I hated my life....

I wish my mother were here....

Mike X JeremyWhere stories live. Discover now