Chapter 19

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3.30 AM

"Remember! Stay close to the trees and move as silently and quickly as possible!" You reminded them as you sprinted across the snow with the others following suit. Since the fight with Leo and Raph. Donnie had fixed Leo's "second skin" and also made Mikey and himself second skins too, so they could all go outside and train.

"You told us this three times already," Raph commented. Jumping over snow-covered bushes and rocks as he ran. The seven of you were currently running near the town tree line. If you looked to the left and squinted hard enough, you could see the lights that light up every house and building.

You decided that all of you went hunting close to the time of sunrise and for a good reason. It was from 30 to an hour until the sun rose, so that if anything serious happened while fighting the Hollowhunters such as someone getting injured, the light of the sun could possibly save you.

But in case even the sun was way too late, you had couple of light sticks strapped to your machete cover.

"Then do as I advised you and I'll stop." You huffed quietly as you too jumped and at one point swung yourself from a tree branch to get over a ditch. "And now that we're still unoccupied, what do you do when you encounter a Hollowhunter?" You questioned.

"You don't attack from ahead, but from either from the side or above." Mikey rehearsed the exact words you told them last night and again maybe just 15 minutes ago. You nodded at him saying he was right. Then you heard movement from 2 o'clock. Hollowhunters...

"And if you get in trouble?"

"Don't be dumb enough to continue alone." Leo finished.

"That's right. Now listen up! We're bound to encounter some Hollowhunters soon, so be ready." You warned, and they nodded that they understood. You sprinted in front of everyone as the leader and led them closer and closer to the Hollowhunter pack. You gave them a signal with your hand which told them to scatter and attack from different directions.

They scattered and before the Hollowhunters got too aware of their surroundings you all attacked. First going for the winged ones resting on the tree trunks. Having done this million times already, you easily sliced your first Hollowhunter in half against the tree trunk like a stake on a chopping board.

Immediately after doing so, the repulsive smell of blood invaded your nose but it didn't face you as you were already used to it. You could hear some of your friends gag behind you as they made their first kill for the day, most likely because of the same smell. You felt bad for them, but then again, they wanted to come along with you. They'll get used to it.

And you can admit, they were doing a pretty good so far. Landing the first kill like a pro and once it was over, each of them continued on fighting the next Hollowhunter, being aware of their fangs and claws. You were clad that they already knew how to fight, it definitely made teaching them easier and you didn't have to train them long to improve their reflexes.

You sprang from the tree and dug your machete into another Hollowhunters skull mid-air as it tried to get you with its tail. Skillfully landing onto the ground you went after the wolf Hollowhunters. Jumping above one and slicing its nape open to slow it down. 

You figured you would handle more of the wolf ones since they are a bit tougher for their size and thick skin. You looked to the side and saw Raph going ham on wolf Hollowhunter too. A bit sloppy in your mind but he wasn't in any immediate danger, 'he can handle himself.' You reassured yourself and focused back on your battle.

All of you were doing well, grunts and battle cries came from everywhere as well as cracks and weapon slices accompanied by the gushing blood from the freshly made wounds. Usually, you would just tune everything out until the only thing you could hear was muted growls and cries as if you were a floating fish in a fishbowl. 

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