Chapter 8: The Thirium Soda Festival

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North’s dream had actually came true. A thirium soda festival, RA9, can North get anymore addicted? North was fangirling and freaking out by the front door. I’ve never seen her fangirl before… it’s adorable.
“North calm down, I just need to find my keys!” Markus called out to her from the kitchen.
“CALM DOWN!? Markus never say to a girl calm down, my actual dream just came true!” North squealed. Markus laughed while looking in the kitchen cupboard. I found it- how they hell did it get in an empty thirium soda bottle, WHY THE HELL IS THERE A EMPTY THIRIUM SODA IN THE CUPBOARD!? Markus shrugged it off and took the keys out of the bottle. He walked to North, she was dying, should I call the fangirl attack hospital?
“North, are you okay?” Markus asked as he placed his hand on her shoulder.
“I’m… alright, LETS JUST GO!” North replied. Markus laughed again and unlocked the front door. They got in the car and North was practically jumping in her seat.
“You’re so cute,” Markus mumbled underneath his breath praying to RA9 that she didn’t hear that. Sorry Markus but she did,
“Thanks, you’re cute too!” North replied while kissing him on the cheek. DAMN NORTH AND THE BLUSHES AGAIN! “I told you!” she said as she pointed at his damn blue face the 110th time.


“I CAN’T BELIEVE THAT WE’RE HERE!” North squealed as she actually flew out of the car. Should I calm her down, she might hurt herself. Markus grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her.
“Calm down North!” Markus snapped her out of fangirl world of thirium soda back to reality.
“What the actual hell Markus,” North said as she took his hands off her shoulders. The android couple entered the Thirium Soda Festival. Everything is so blue? Literally they painted the whole place blue; blue banners, blue food, blue people? There wasn’t just thirium soda, there was thriuim ice cream, thirium pizza, thirium cake (Simon and Josh would go nuts) and thirium spaghetti- HELL NO WE STAY AWAY FROM SPAGHETTI FOR NOW ON! North was fangirling at everything, she bought everything that she could see, she’s going to destroy our bank account though, this is for her so I’ll let it side. North had a little bit of thirium ice cream on her face, Markus chuckled at her.
“What?” North asked while holding the mountain of thirium food and especially thirium soda.
“You have ice cream on your face!” Markus laughed as he got a napkin from his bag, he was prepared for this, and he wiped North’s face.
“Thanks Markus.”
“EEK JOSH THAT WAS SO CUTE!” screeched Simon. Simon and Josh are here!?
“SIMON YOU BLEW OUR COVER!” followed Josh’s voice. We turned around to see Josh holding a camera with a fanboying Simon.
“WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE!?” North yelled as she walked up to them.
“Isn’t it obvious we’re stalking you guys!” Simon replied. Josh face palmed himself and shook his head.
“Simon they aren’t supposed to know that!” Josh snapped at him. Markus’ face turned bright blue and walked up to North who was tempted to kill both of them.
“Why?” Markus inquired as he held back North by holding her arms.
“BECAUSE YOU TWO ARE OUR OTP!” both of them screamed. Everyone now was looking at us. Can this get any worse?
“Let’s just keep exploring,” Markus mumbled as he held North’s hand leading her away from Simon and Josh.
“Wait can we go with you!?” Simon asked as him and Josh walked beside them.
“No!” North replied as she pushes them away.
“If you don’t then we’ll post all of these photos online!” Josh blackmailed as he held the camera up. Ugh, it got worse.
“Fine, just don’t cause trouble,” Markus agreed to their request. Josh stood next to North and Simon walked next to Markus.
“So… have you guys kissed today?” Josh asked. UH, WHY DOES HE NEED TO KNOW?
“They have Josh don’t you remember, North kissed him on the cheek,” Simon stated. HOW?
“How in the name of RA9 did you find out!?” North yelled.
“We have our ways…,” Josh replied creepily. I regret them coming along now. Markus started blushing like crazy. Simon grabbed a notebook and pen and took note of Markus. Okay this is way too out of line. North was glaring at Josh while drinking thirium soda. All she wanted was to spend time with Markus and freak out at the thirium soda festival, nothing can go right for the android couple? No the answer is no.


Markus and North were back home after they got kicked out because Simon and Josh were screaming and fanboying so much that the security kicked the four androids out. Great. North’s dream now became a nightmare. Markus and North were in bed looking through their phones, hopefully Josh didn’t post them. Thank RA9 because they didn’t.
“I’m so done with today,” North moaned as she sunk into the pillow. Markus frowned, this was supposed to be her favourite day. Markus put his phone away and got up and walked downstairs. He walked into the kitchen and grabbed two thirium sodas from the fridge. Markus walked back upstairs and then into their room.
“I got you thirium soda,” Markus said as he laid down on the bed and handed it to North. She smiled at him and kissed him on the lips.
“Thanks Markus,” she said. Markus smiled back at her, she’s so cute. “Also Markus?”
“I love you, maybe more than thirium soda.”

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