Chapter Three: Sick Day

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For any other couple in Detroit, they would’ve been going on a date or cuddling on a damn uncomfortable couch but not for Markus and North. Right now North was throwing up thirium soda from last night in the toilet, while Markus was pulling her hair back.
“North, I told you that this would happen if you went through “The Extreme Phase” again,” Markus warned her. After North finished dying, she collapsed onto the bed which was still covered by thirium bottles.
“Leave me alone,” was muffled through the pillow that was covering her face. Then Markus sat down on the bed.
“Maybe you should rest on the couch, it doesn’t have a sea of thirium bottles on it,” Markus suggested as he laughed. North huffed then replied.
“Fine, carry me,” North ordered. Markus raised his eyebrows then responded.
“North I’m not carrying you.”
“Please, I literally feel like I just died.”
“Oh alright,” Markus grunted as he picked her up. He was walking down the stairs when he almost dropped her from the thirium bottles.
“MARKUS DON’T YOU DARE DROP ME!” North screamed as she gripped onto Markus’ neck making him choke.
“N-North… choking… me,” Markus breathed.
“Ah, sorry!” She apologised as she quickly let go of his neck. Markus rolled his eyes and made it to the living room. North was now laying on that damn uncomfortable couch and feeling as if she just died 100 times.
“There, you happy now princess North?” Markus teased her. North faced him and smirked.
“Actually, can you get me Blue?” North asked.
“North you are an actual child,” Markus stated as he got Blue off the coffee table.
“Yeah, yeah,” She replied. Markus threw Blue at her, this made North elated and squeezed the thirium soda plush.
“North, is there anything else you want to say?” Markus hinted at her for a thank you.
“Uh…, I love you?”
“What no, well I love you too, but what I was expecting was a thank you North,” Markus responded.
“Oh yeah, thanks.”
“Markus, North, it’s Simon and Josh!” Called at Josh from the front door.
“UGH GO AWAY!” yelled North. She put her arm over head and huffed.
“Um.. no?” replied Simon. Markus walked over to the front door and open it just a crack to tell them to go away, but Josh pushed in with Simon following behind him. In Josh’s arms was a crate of… oh no Thirium soda.
“I got thirium soda!” announced Josh. Dammit Josh. This made North perk up immediately, she slowly got up from the couch.
“North…,” MArkus started as he turned to her. She quickly ran towards Josh, Markus wrapped his arms around her stomach do she couldn’t move, well she was struggling to get out. “WHY DID YOU BRING THAT HERE?” Markus yelled.
“What?” Simon replied.
“She can’t have anymore soda or she will be sick!” informed Markus.
“Wait, wait,” Josh started as he walked closer to Markus. “Did you guys do the “nasty”?”
Markus and North widened there eyes, that made North stop squirming.
“WHAT NO!” both of them screamed. Simon started laughing and Josh kept apologising.
“J-JUST GET OUT!” Markus ordered. That made North struggle again. Josh shrugged then put the crate out by the porch, he came back inside. “I mean both of you get out,” Markus sighed. Simon hid his smile and laughs as he came outside, and Josh he didn’t hide his laughter. Markus let go of North, she crossed her arms looking at the ground. “What is it now?” Markus asked impatient. North looked up at him and said.
“You didn’t let me have the thirium soda.”

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