Chapter 18: Can I Be Your Bridesmaid/Best Man?

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Markus and North wanted to try out their wedding outfits, so their friends came along. Whenever their insane fanboying/fangirling friends are involved… it normally doesn’t end well.


Markus had arrived to the tux store. It was called: Mr. BowTies. He chuckled at the stupid name and entered the store to see Simon, Josh and Connor waiting for him.
“And the groom is here!” Josh announced as he walked up to him and patted him on the back. Simon did the same but more gentle, as Connor just walked closer to him and waved. “Hey guys,” Markus greeted.
“So what are you going to wear!” Simon squealed. Wow, I never knew Simon is so excited about clothes… or maybe it’s because it’s wedding clothes.
“How about we let him look first Simon,” Connor laughed. Simon frowned, he’s really impatient. The four androids walked up to the woman at the desk, and guess who it was? Anna. RA9 have mercy on him.
“OH, Markus what are you doing here!?” she asked. Are you serious!? She’s here!?
“I could ask you the same thing,” Markus replied.
“Oh, well, ever since your promotion party, and I got maybe a bit too drunk and I… uh… may or may not dressed up Nico’s cat in a dog outfit and walked her past the cubicles, while screaming I love cute and fat catdogs,” she replied, and flushed blue in embarrassment. Josh and Simon started laughing, almost dying from how much they were. Connor just stared at her with a blank face, but inside he was laughing. Markus just face palmed himself. That’s such an insult to Nico… and his cat. “Yeah…, anyway let’s go back to my first question, why are you here?”
“To get a tux.”
“For a friend’s party?”
“N-no, for my wedding.”
“What!? But North said you two are already married!” she replied with shock in her voice, she was shook. What!? When did North say that, why did she say that!?
“Why would she say that?” Markus inquired. Simon and Josh started to fanboy while Connor remained idle and innocent.
“Maybe to take me away from you…,” she mumbled underneath her breath. HONEY, WHAT DID YOU SAY!?
“I’m sorry, what?” Markus asked a bit harshly.
“I said, I don’t know,” she lied as she smiled widely at him. She creeps me out, more than North with thirium soda. “Just go look for a tux and I’ll wait for you,” she said with a sad tone. Don’t need to tell me twice! Markus quickly got away from her as Connor, Josh and Simon followed him. As they were looking through the tuxes Connor spotted some thirium that was recently spilled on the floor. There was a sign beside it saying WARNING: Wet Surface. Connor didn’t give a damn. He crept away from the three and kneeled down and licked it.
“CONNOR WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?” Markus yelled as he ran up to him.
“Um, licking thirium?” Connor replied as he continued to lick it from his index finger. Josh ran in front of him.
“CONNOR DON- AHH!” He slipped on the thirium. “OW OW!” Josh cried as he held his leg. “SIMON DON’T JUST STAND THERE!” Markus yelled, Simon gave him a smug grin and snapped a photo of the three. Simon I will kill you if you send that to-
“I’m gonna send it to North!” he announced as he tapped his phone. DON’T YOU DARE!
“SIMON!” Markus screamed as he tried to grab the phone out of his hand. Too late, he already sent it to her.
“UM HELLO? INJURED HERE!” Josh called out to them. Connor stood up still licking the thirium.


North arrived at the wedding dress store. It was called Little Miss Dress. North rolled her eyes at the cringy name and entered. She saw Kara, Alice and Chloe. Hey crazies.
“Hi,” North greeted as she walked up to them. Kara, Alice and Chloe gave her a hug.
“I can’t believe you’re getting married!” Kara squealed as she held her hands. Physical interaction!!
“Yeah I never thought you would,” Alice stated cheekily. That little-
“Excuse me?” North replied as she crossed her arms. Chloe chuckled a little as Kara glared at her.
“Alice!” Kara snapped as she put her hands on her hips.
“What?” Alice giggled as she hugged Kara. I’m tempted to slap her, maybe this why I shouldn’t have kids. Well I wouldn’t mind…
“Hm, still a cinnamon roll,” Kara stated as she put a hand on her head. Kara needs to be more strict with the fairy princess ninja kid. 
“Well what are we waiting for? Let’s get you a dress!” Chloe grabbed North’s hand with Kara and Alice following behind. When the reached to the desk, guess who they saw? Evan. NOO THAT THIS PERVERT!
“Oh hello North~” He greeted in a smooth tone. North slapped him, that felt good. 
“OOOOOOOH!” Alice cheered, as Kara laughed when Chloe just grinned.
“Look dude, I just want a dress,” North stated coldly as she slammed her hands on the desk. Evan smirked at her, not even caring that he just got slapped across the face.
“Okay, they’re over there, I’ll wait for you~” He replied as he pointed in the direction then he walked into the back room. North rolled her eyes at him and walked to the dresses with Chloe, Kara and Alice followed her. While they were looking for dresses Alice ran up to North.
“I take it back, YOU’RE AWESOME!” She stated as she hugged her.
“I know,” North replied.
“SEE!” Alice yelled as she tugged on Kara’s arm. After a while, Kara spotted something on Evan’s desk. Thirium Spaghetti. (A/N: Let me explain in case all of you think i’m high on Todd’s red ice. So, the only food that is offered in Kara’s story is spaghetti, so I thought that it would be funny is that Alice and Kara have an obsession with thirium spaghetti. Don’t judge me)
“ALICE LOOK IT’S THIRIUM SPAGHETTI!” Kara yelled as she grabbed Alice’s attention.
“MINE!” Alice screamed as she ran after it.
“NO YOU DON’T!” Kara screamed as she ran after her. What the hell is going on? Chloe stood next to her just as confused as she was.
“HAHA I GOT- HEY!” Alice yelled as Kara ripped the bowl out of her small hands.
“I DESERVE THIS AFTER I’VE BEEN TAKING CARE OF YOUR LAZY BUTT!” Kara argued as she held the bowl close to her. Alice tackled Kara and started to fight over the thirium spaghetti. Now I’m starting to doubt if Kara is a good mom? Chloe ran up to them and tried to break it up.
“Please stop- NO!” Chloe cried as thirium spaghetti got on her, totally one of a kind (not), navy blue dress. Should I do something? “HOW DARE YOU! THIS IS A ONE OF A KIND DRESS FROM KAMSKI!”
“YEAH RIGHT!” Alice retorted as she threw more spaghetti at her.
Yes I should do something! North ran up to them, and flailed her arms between them.
“GUYS STO- Hang on I got a notification!” North stopped and grabbed her phone out of her shorts pocket. It was the picture that Simon gave to her. RA9, THIS IS THE BEST THING THAT’S HAPPENED TO ME ALL DAY!
“LOOK AT IT!” North demanded as she shoved the phone in her face.
“I DON’T GIVE A FLYING PIGEON!” Kara grabbed the phone out of her hand and slammed it on the floor. MY PRECIOUS, WHAT AM I GOING TO USE TO BUY THIRIUM SODA!?

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