Chapter 9: Peace and Quiet For Once?

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Markus and North had officially became anti social. It seems that whenever they step a foot out of their house bad things happen. For example: Carl’s birthday, Greg dropped the thirium cake, Simon and Josh ruined their first date, everyone had an argument at the beach day, Simon and Josh (again) killed North’s dream. Now the couple are sleeping, they haven’t slept in weeks. All they wanted to do was sleep, just peace and quiet. That was until the alarm went off for the 5th time.
“MARKUS TURN IT OFF!” North yelled as she shook him awake. Markus jerked awake and turned the alarm off. RA9, is it really 2pm?
“It’s 2pm.”
“Maybe we should get up.”
“Markus, you know what happens whenever we do anything!”
“We’re just in our house what can happen?
“Simon and Josh could be stalking us, again.”
“It’s fine, I closed the curtains so they can’t see anything.”
North thought for a moment then reluctantly agreed. Markus smiled and kissed her on the cheek and walked downstairs. PEPPA PIG I’M A COMING! North followed him a few minutes after and sat next to him. Markus turned on the tv and episode 7328 was playing. The two snuggled together in the thirium soda blanket on that damn uncomfortable couch. Peace and quiet.


Oh no.
“Markus what do we do?” North whispered so the others can’t hear outside. What can we do?
“Uh, disguises?” Markus suggested.
“Disguises?” North questioned as she raised an eyebrow.
“Yep, we can…disguise as maids, pretend we’re looking after the house!” Markus replied. North shrugged and stealthily followed Markus to the kitchen to find two aprons. North found her favourite “I Love Thirium Soda” apron that Kara got for her. Markus found his “Kiss The Cook” classic apron that North got for him as a joke, but he still wears it whenever he bakes or cook. North changed her hair colour to brunette instead of her strawberry blonde hair, also untying her braid so now her hair was down. Markus didn’t change his hair colour, there’s pretty much no hair to change.
“Markus your eyes!” North pointed out. Oh yeah, that’s really obvious to people that know me. He took some dark shades on the kitchen counter and put them on his face.
“How do I look?” Markus asked North.
“Like a boss,” North replied giggling a little. Damn you North.
“HEY, CAN WE COME IN NOW!?” Hank yelled. Okay time to get my ultra butler on. They walked up to the door and opened it with fake smiles on their faces.
“Can we help you?” Markus asked with a lower pitched voice.
“Uh… WHO THE HELL ARE YOU!?” Hank screamed.
“We are looking after the house while Markus and North uh-
“They’re at the android adoption centre!” North interrupted. ANDROID ADOPTION CENTRE! Markus blushed so hard for the 111th time.
“OH MY RA9 JOSH DO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS!?” Simon squealed as he shook Josh.
“YES I DO,  IT MEANS THEY DIDN’T DO THE “NASTY”!” Josh cried. North started blushing as well as Markus. That dirty minded little-
“I’m sorry but they’re not here, so please go now!” North replied as she pushed them away.
North and Markus closes the door and looked at eachother with blue faces.
“T-that was..,” Markus started.
“Awkward,” North finished. They started to go in a fit of laughter.
“Android adoption centre?” Markus laughed.
“Sorry, I had to think on the spot, also I wanted to see their fanboy reactions!” North replied while laughing. Maybe our friends are not all bad. After like… ten minuets of laughing the two went to the kitchen to take off their aprons. North walked up to Markus and kissed him on the lips. “It does say kiss the cook!” North giggled.

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