Chapter 13: First Day On The Job

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Markus finally got a job. It was those classic jobs when your locked up in a cubicle for twelve hours, y’know nothing special.
“Good luck Markus!” North said as she fixed his tie.
“Thank you North,” Markus replied as he kissed her. You can do this Markus, it’s just a job, nothing bad is going to happen. He took his bag and walked out. Though, little did he know… his files fell out.


He had arrived at Nico’s Company, it was a huge marble building. Time to work for twelve hours… yay. Markus got out of the car and walked inside of the large building. Inside there was a secretary to check in.
“Hi, I would like to check in for work,” he said to the android secretary.
“Oh my- y-you’re Markus, I’m Anna, oh and yes I’ll c-check you in!” she stammered.
“Thanks,” he replied as he walked away.
“W-wait you want to talk more!” Anna called out but he didn’t hear her, luckily. When he walked through the door there were cubicles everywhere. Everyone stuck on a chair eyes glued on a computer screen, wearing suits and ties. He was told by his boss that he worked with a guy called Evan. Markus scanned the area see if he could find this guy, after a couple of minutes he found his desk and Evan. He walked to his desk to see Evan sitting on his chair playing on his phone. Evan had dark skin, black hair and brown eyes, he is an android.
“Hi, I’m Markus, your co-worker,” He greeted to Evan. Evan just grunted and motioned him to sit down.
“Did you bring your files?” Evan mumbled. Oh right, my files. Markus opened up his bag… THEY’RE NOT IN THERE!? No, no, why today, how could I lose my files!?


“Did Markus seriously left his files?” North said to herself as she picked them up. Damn, he must be freaking out right now, ugh, guess it’s time for social interaction. She picked up her bag and put the files in, then she opened the front door and catched a bus, since Markus had took their car. Oh RA9, people, the worst thing that could happen to me. There were loads of people on the bus, which is horrible to North. There was only one space and it was next to an old woman, eh, not so bad. She took the seat next to her.
“Hello dear what’s your name?” the old lady asked. WHY DID SHE HAVE TO SPEAK TO ME!?
“North,” she said quietly and quickly. Don’t reply, don’t reply, don’t reply-
“That’s a very pretty name, for a very pretty girl!” she complimented. What the hell, is she being nice to me?
“Uh, thanks?” North replied. The old lady then opened her bag and grabbed some candy.
“Would you like some candy?” she asked.
“N-no thanks, I don’t eat human food, I’m an android,” North stated. The old lady then jerked up and put her back to the metal bar.
“AHH, GET ME AWAY FROM THAT THING!” she screamed. Oh great, android haters.
“Ma’am can you please sit down, she’s not going to hurt you!” called out a guy. Okay first of all, that guy doesn’t know if I’m going to hurt someone and second of all this is really embarrassing.


That was the worst bus drive of my life. North stepped out of the bus after that old lady ran out for dear life. Yeah, that situation with that old woman, didn’t go well, people physically sat her down or she would’ve ripped North appart. Anyway, North arrived at Nico's Company, she walked inside to see the secretary Anna.
“Hey, I’m looking for Markus, he left his files at home,” North said.
“Oh hello how can I- Oh…, you’re North,” she replied, with her tone changing from welcoming to annoyed. What’s this girl’s problem?
“Do you have a problem with me?” North asked.
“Maybe, maybe not,” Anna said back.
“Look, I just need to give these files to Markus, can you tell me where he is?” North replied.
“Well, if it’s for ~Markus~, then I’ll tell you, he’s with Evan, his desk is near the storage room,” Anna informed. OKAY, WHY THE HELL DID SHE SAY MARKUS LIKE THAT, IF THIS GIRL IS TRYING TO GET MY MAN I SWEAR I’LL-
“Thanks,” North said coldly as she walked off to find Markus. North scanned the area and found his desk that is next to the storage room.
“Markus I got your files!” North called out to him.


“Markus I got your files!” North called out to him. Wait North!? Markus looked up from his bag to see North holding the files.
“North you are the best person ever, thank you!” Markus praised her as he took the files out of her hands.
“I know! And your welcome, I just had to talk to people for this,” North replied.
“Hey aren't you a traci model?” Evan asked as he got up from his seat and walked towards her. WHAT IS HE DOING?
“Uh, y-yeah,” North said quietly. She doesn’t like to talk about it! Evan smirked and tried to reach out to her hand, yeah he tried because North punched him in the face. That’s my girl!
“See you at home Markus,” North sighed as she waved goodbye at him and walked off.
“WOW, she’s hot! I wonder if she has a boyfriend!” Evan said. OKAY THAT’S IT. Markus grabbed him by the collar of his shirt.
“Listen Evan, if I wasn’t a pacifist, I would’ve broken every bicomponent in your body, but I’m just going to say nicely, don’t ever talk to my girlfriend like that!” Markus threatened.
“O-okay dude, just let me go!” Evan pleaded. Markus let go of him and sat back down on his chair, and started working. Yep, no one ever talks to my wife like that- I mean my girlfriend like that.


“North I’m back!” Markus called out from downstairs. North was in the kitchen drinking a thirium soda, then she walked out and hugged him.
“I missed you!” she stated as she let go of him. “How was work?” North asked.
“Hell,” Markus replied.
“Let me make it better,” North said as she kissed him and gave him a thirium soda.
“T-thanks, but you already made it better, you didn’t have to give me a thirium soda.”
“J-just take the damn soda!” North flushed while blushing slightly blue.
Hm, she’s cute when she blushes.

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