Information before we start and Mc appearance

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Author note- I'm just gonna say it here first, English is not my first language and please, if you hate bad grammar, don't even bother reading this story.

Warning before you start reading

If you don't know anything about this series, please go and watch or read the series. If you are a person that only watch the anime, there gonna be a lot of spoiler for the series. If you care about the story, please go and read the series on webtoon, but if you don't care about the series, please read this story.

Tog information- I will make this part as simple as possible, so please bear with me.

The tower itself- Imagine it like a dungeon in video games. It said that you could find anything on top of the tower. If you want to go up the tower, you need to clear the test administrator's test. For the record, the highest floor that they reach in the series is floor 134th. But there is no recorded of how many floors the tower have or is there even a limit.

Regulars- This the term that people used for people who are climbing the tower.

Ranker- Regular will become ranker when they were able to climb to the 134th floor. They will be rank like a video game board, where the lower the number, the more powerful the rankers are. High ranker is also a term used for the 1% of rankers in the top 1000.

Test administrator- It for a ranker who responsible for creating and look over the test.

Floor guardian- On each floor, there are floor guardians. These guardians are what regulars and rankers make a contract with to use shinsoo on each floor. You can also make a deal with the guardians as long as it is acceptable. An example of this is how Jahard made a deal with the guardians, where he will become the king of the tower in exchange; regulars or people who come from the tower will not be able to kill him.

Irregular- This is the term used for people who open the tower's door by themselves without getting an invite from Headon. There are only 4 irregulars, 5 if you count that blonde bitch and 16 if you also count the head of the 10 great families and Jahad.

(There are 2 more, but I will not say it because it will reveal a major plot, and I mean MAJOR PLOT in the series.)

Irregular is deemed very dangerous because they can use shinsoo without making a contract with floor guardians, and they can also pull off a feat that no normal ranker can do.

An example of this will be how, Enryu was able to kill the floor guardian, where before this is rumoured to be immortal and turn that floor into 'floor of death'. The thing that makes irregular dangerous is that they are only a few people who can kill Jahad.

Jahad and his gang of friends or partners or associates or the so-called great warriors idk - Jahad is the king of the tower, and his friend who climbs the tower with him become the head of 10 great families.

Princess of Jahad- Frist of all, they are not Jahad children. The children that are from the other 10 great families that got injected with the blood Jahad himself. This is the reason why Jahad princess is quite OP because they got a boost from jahad blood. If the princess of jahad becomes a ranker, they will be granted the 13 months series. There is also a system where princesses of Jahad will do a battle royal, and the who won will be granted with the 13-month series.

There is also a rule where the princess of Jahad is not allowed to have any children or any love life. The reason is because of the blood of Jahad in their body. And if the princess do have a kid, the child will be like a curse child ( I think)

13-month series- In a laymen term, they are superweapon with a spirit like zanpakuto from bleach. They even have Bankai, but they call ignition in this series.

Shinsoo- To make it simple, it the definition of anime magic in this series. It can do nearly everything that you can think of. There even a rumour where they said that Enryu(again) could create life using shinsoo.

A/N Please, if any of this is wrong or you want to add more, leave a comment on it.

Now for the part from Madoka box. I will be only using the power from that series, and that power is all fiction.

All fiction- The best way to describe this power is to turn ''something" into "nothing" as long as it is not a living thing. ( Just saying it here, but no, he cannot turn the concept of shinsoo into nothing entirely because obviously)

Non fiction- It the power that turns back ''something" that none fiction turn into "nothing" or in simple term, turn it back to normal.

A/N Like before, if you think you don't understand this and how to explain this better, leave it in the comment or search on the internet. I don't care.

If you think he will get imagination manifestation and a bookmaker like Akutagawa, then you are wrong. The reason for this is because I think it will be too OP, like really OP.

Appearance for your boy main character

Appearance for your boy main character

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