Chapter 18 One shot, one kill, all luck, no skill

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''You do know that he would never that, right?'' Evol said.

Right now, he is sitting in his room, talking with someone through his pocket.

''I know, I know, but what if he really dead?'' The voice from the pocket ask

''You are sure quite stupid, huh? I thought you supposed to be the brain of your team?''

''HEY!! I'm just caution, ok?''

''Well, you being caution or not, there is no way that blue hair turtle is dead,'' Evol said, referencing the best crocodile in the world.

''Are you sure? I mean, are you really sure?''

''Trust me, Leesoo. I swear in Jahad name.'' Evol response

''That is not even reassuring!! You swear on Jahad name is probably the untrustworthy thing you could do!!'' Leesoo complains before continuing ''*sigh* Whatever, I will believe you for now, but are you sure you want to keep it a secret?''

''What secret?'' Evol ask

''I don't know? The fact that Jyu Violence Grace is Bam?'' He asks sarcastically,'' Right now, they really want to kill him.''

''It best to keep a secret for now. Who knows what will happen if your team learn that Bam is a slayer dominee. It might, no, it will make you be target by FUG, and we all know that we can go against a whole organisation yet.'' Evol response. ''If they want to kill him, then so be it. You need to make sure that you have a plan that will not kill Bam. Or maybe you can take this chance to have some revenge on FUG.''

''So much troubles..... *sigh* Sometimes I do wish I never meet you guys,'' Leesoo said with an exasperated voice

''Do you?'' Evol ask sarcastically

''Of course not,'' he said before they both hang up.

Evolto leans back in his chair; when he heard about Khun dead, he was surprised. He knows that Khun is still alive but surprised none the less.

'I know that he wants to go after devil right arm, but he never told me about it. I should've warned him, but without Khun, team sour pork would never come to workshop battle, which would lead to too much butterfly effect. Which can lead to Bam not obtaining the Enryu Thorn.'

''*sigh* Why is it so goddamn complicated'' Evolto mutter to himself.

Evolto closes his eyes, thinking about what he should do next. He then hears a knock on his door that interrupts his thought.

Evolto made his way to the door. When he opened it, he was met with a certain green hair princess, Mira.

''What are you doing here?'' Evolto asks Mira. After the talk they have, Mira has stayed relatively quiet, not weird for her. Evolto just thought she is probably fantasising about her and White in her own room.

''I want to have a spar,'' Mira answer simply.

''A spar? Like, right now?''

''Right now.''

''May I ask why?''

''I just want to test my strength before we participated in workshop battle.''

'Well, it not like I have something to lose. With this, I can at least measure her strength comparing it to me.'

''It not like I have something to lose. I will do it.''

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