Chapter 16 time for a upgrade (finale)

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Evolto summons his Rashomon and commands it to swallow the cores. To Evol, when Rashomon swallows all the cores, weird energy starts to come out from Rashomon, and it starts to glow. Rashomon starts to grow brighter and brighter until it blind Evolto. When the light died down, Evolto opens his eyes; Evol looks at Rashomon but nothing change.

Evolto squints his eyes, trying to see any physical differences, but there is none. Evol decides to command Rashomon around, but nothing change, range, speed, destructiveness, it all the same.

''Are you serious? Did I just wasted all of that cores?'' Evol start to question himself

But at that moment, he noticed something on the ground. It was a simple multi-colours stone. Evolto knew immediately what it is.

''Did I fuse all the crystal? That doesn't make sense at all... Maybe it because Rashomon made it out of shinsu, and it causes some weird reaction with the cores. Well, who to complain'' Evol said to himself, picking up the cores.

''Now. How should I use you?'' Evolto said to himself, looking at the cores

''*sigh* I should be worried about it tomorrow,'' Evolto said before going to bed.

~Next day~

Evolto now is seen walking down on the street trying to find a shop, to be more specific, a blacksmith shop.

Evolto keep walking and walking

and walking

and walking

and walking





and walking







'Wait!! Do they even have a blacksmith shop!?' Evolto suddenly come to the realisation

'They do have a blacksmith shop, right?'


Can you tell me where the blacksmith shop on this floor is?

Sorry, but there is no blacksmith shop here.


''What!? What kind of bullshit is this!? Ain't this place supposed to own by the workshop!! You know, the organisation responsible for making weapons!!''

''This is dumb, this is really dumb. Who decides to have no blacksmith shop here? It like someone deicide not to put it here for a reason!!''

A/N: I know.

After that short rant, Evolto started to think and came up with the idea of creating the weapon he wanted.

'Let see. I have a stone that contains 4 elements. How can we turn this core into a weapon?'

'I could do what they suggest by creating a bracelet out of it. But that would be too obvious for the enemy, and it might make them aim to that specific point... What about a necklace? That could work; I also have a nice idea about something.'

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