Chapter 12 Preparation for the workshop battle and the appearance of the slayer

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4 years passed after Evolto make deal with Mira. They has been travelled with each other since then. Evolto have try to learn Arie swordsmanship from Mira but she quickly refuse to teach him, no matter how hard Evol try.

Mira, who has been travelling with Evol for 4 years, also learns many things about him. The first thing that she learns is, of course, all fiction, or so she thought. Evolto never told her about all fiction, but it is not like he tried to keep it a secret from her because she already saw him used once. What Mira knew about this power is how it make Evolto literally immortal. She has seen him fight and saw how carefree he was, and she has seen him ''died,'' but in the end, he would just come back to life, no injuries, and act as nothing happened.

Evolto also learns a lot about Mira. Mira will have a calm and cruel personality when fighting. She loves to look down on people like they were nothing more than a bug. Her personality, however, changes whenever she speaks to Evolto; she becomes more hot blood and annoying when speaking with him.

There is also one more thing that Evol learn, and that is her relationship with White. Every time she speaks about him, she always complains about how annoying and stupid he was, but with a smile on her face while speaking about him. It reminds Evol of one of those 'tsundere' type characters, but there is also something that Evolto know about her and that something is something that makes Evol be a little bit scare of her.

That something is how she will turn from tsundere mode to yandere in an instance. Evolto learn about this mode when he ask

''What are you gonna do if White find another woman that he interested in?''

this cause Mira to look at him and said with a ''smile.''

''Then I will make sure to kidnapped that woman, pull her tongue out. stab out her eyes and ...'' And she keeps going on about how she will torture this woman until she died. ''Then I will make sure to ''punish'' White for trying to break his promise'' Mira ended her rant with a ''smile'' that can even send down chill down Evolto spine.

The fact that Evolto finally has a companion doesn't go unnoticed by another regular, of course. People have noticed that the Black Dragon is now travelling with someone else; the news spread like wildfire; people learn that Mira is the princess of Jahad, which cause an uproar for other regulars on the lower floor.

This cause person trying to learn more about the Black Dragon. Many theories come up, and the most absurd one that regulars see is that people assume Evolto Is an irregular. Unbeknown to them, it was the truth.

Yuri, who is on the 77th floor, also heard about this; she quickly contracts Evolto through his pocket, even though he never give her his number. It still probably live the greatest mystery for Evolto. She quickly tells how he should not be cheating on her, which Evolto quickly denied.

Mira, who heard the conversation only sneered at the thought of her going out with Evolto; there is no way she will break a promise with White. This also leads to another thing that caught Mira by surprised even though she already suspected this. That thing is none other than the fact that Evolto was an irregular!! Mira has already suspected this, but she always refuses to believe it until Yuri shouts through the pocket, saying how Evolto is an irregular.

Khun and Leesoo also contract him trying to confirm the rumoured that he has a travelling companion. They were so surprised that Evol just found another princess of Jahad; this nearly made Leesoo faint, and Khun merely sigh. But, in the end, they agree on how Mira would be a great fighting force for them, as long as Evolto kept his promise, of course.

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