prologue: reincarnation? why not!

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"Where the hell am I?" Said a male who is floating in darkness.

"Ah, you finally awake! Take you long enough!" Said another voice that is hardly male or female; it was something that the first male cannot distinguish.

"What?! Who- where- how- I have so many questions!?! ... Wait a minute! It is a dark empty void, and I feel like I'm floating, and there is a voice talking to me. Am I in one of that isekai situation!!" Exclaim the male voice.

"Look like you are smarter than I though. Yes, you are indeed in one of those 'isekai' situations that humans like to call it. And you probably know who I am." Said the mysterious voice.

"Now let me guess, you are probably here to tell me that I am dead and you will send me to another world, and you granted me wishes, am I correct!?" Said the male, who is now highly energetic and excited. After all, who wouldn't?

"True, but only wish not wishes. You will spin a roulette to chose the world that you will be reincarnated, and I will grant you 1 wish, anything you want." Said the voice answering the male, who is still highly energetic about this situation.

"Oh, that fine then; it still better than no wish at all. But before we start, can I ask you 1 question?" Said the male voice

"Ask away."

"Why are you doing this? Like why are you trying to reincarnate me into another world? There needs to be a reason, right?"

"Indeed, there is a reason. And that reason is that I'm bored."







"Meh, it is better than some god telling me to go on an epic journey and save the multiverse, I guess", said the male.

"Well, I am already after seeing that so many times. Sometimes I want to see something on a smaller scale." Said the mysterious voice, which is probably god.

"True, now can we start it now? I am already bored, seeing nothing but darkness."

"Ohhh, getting impatient, are we? Fine, let start the spin!" Said god with a lot of excitement and enthusiasm.

'Hmm. I will get a random world that means any world from a normal world like earth to one of those Xia Xia universes, where people could destroy the planet with the flick of their finger. Let hope it not that kind of world. Now for my wish... I do have a contestant in mind but let see what kind of world I will get first.' Thought the male who we, still hasn't know his name yet.
"And the result is..... Tower of god!! Man, you are sure quite a lucky human!! There has never been a single person who got reincarnate into that world!!" Exclaim god

'Tower of god, eh? Not the worst I can get? I might know a lot about this world, but there are still so many questions that the series hasn't revealed yet. I must say this could be very interesting though the male.

"Eh, hello~ are you still there?" Ask god

"Of course, I'm still here; I'm just thinking what kind of thing should I wish for."

"Ooh~ and here I thought, you gonna be one of those stupid humans who complain or jump in joy after knowing you will be reincarnated."

When the male voice here this, somehow, even without a body, you can feel that he is quite upset about how this damn god, who still hasn't know him for an hour, is already judging him. Typical god.

"I will take it as a compliment. And yes, I am very excited to be able to reincarnate, but I still need to think about how I will survive in that damn universe."

"Whatever. Now tell me, human do you know what you want with more and no wishing for more wishes."

"Well, that was expected. For my one and single, I wish to have power to denied aspect of reality, all fiction!!" Said the male voice is a very excited manner.

"All fiction? Yes, that could be granted, but there will be a restriction."

"And that is?"

"You cannot delete the concept of shinsoo from that universe. Will you still want it?"

"Hmm, that is acceptable; after all, I did not want just to go there and delete the power system of that damn universe anyway."

"Well, then. Like one green snake that came out of seven balls once said, ' your wish has been granted"



"Is something supposed to happen, Shenron?" Ask the male

"It already happened," said god, who is now Shenron

"Then why the hell am I still here!?"

"Well, you see, because you don't have the physical body, I cannot send you there."

"Are you serious, Porunga!! Ain't you supposed to wish granting magical god!! Can't you create a new body and send me there!!"

"But that a lot of trouble! I need to think about what kind of face, body, eyes, etc. I want. Not only that, but I also need to think about what kind of clothes I want you to wear! It too troubles some," said god, who is now named after 1 buff dragon.

"Huh!? You are just too fucking lazy to do it!"

"What!? I'm not lazy!! How about you do it yourself and see how to troublesome it is!!" Said god now with a lot of irritation in his voice.

An interface appears out of nowhere, in front of our protagonist.

'Holy shit!! There is more than 1 million option just for my face alone!! This gonna take a while.' Though the male who went wide eyes?? Somehow even without a body.


"Done!! Those damn colours were so annoying!! Like, what is the difference between pink and magenta!!" Said the male, who until now, we still don't even know his name.

"Ah, you did? See, I told you it troubles some!! Now, will you agree with me! And I must say, not a bad human."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever

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"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Can you send me there already?" Said the male with his voice that has no excitement left.

"Of course", answered god

Without any warning, a bright light suddenly covers our main character body, and in the next moment, he was gone.

"Ah, another soul, another job done. Now I can report it back to higher up now."

"Wait a minute!! Oh my me, I didn't learn his name!! How the hell I'm I gonna report it back now!! I'm so screwed!!"

And with that, the journey of our main character, he-who-must-not-be-name, finally begins.

A/n like I said, this my first fanfiction. I don't really know how to write good fanfiction, so I'm sorry if some part of this story doesn't make sense or have bad grammar.

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