Chapter 15 time for a upgrade (3)

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''What are you gonna do now?'' Evol ask, looking at Garagon

''You... It you who take away our immortality, isn't it?'' Garagon said

''Who knows? Maybe I did, maybe I didn't'' Evol response before continuing ''Mira, why don't you fight him?''

''Me? Why should I follow your order?'' Mira said

''What? Are you scare? That fine then, I guess a princess like you will always have something that can scare you,'' Evol said, taunting her.

''Scare!? You dare accuse me of being scare of him!? I will show you that I am not scared of him!!''

With that said, Mira dash toward Garagon, who responded by shooting a red spear made out of shinsu toward her. Mira quickly reacts, swinging her sword, reflecting the spear toward Garagon. Garagon responds by shooting another spear toward it, destroying it both and creating a red mist of shinsu.

Mira then leaps forward and swings her sword down, but Garagon could block it by using his hand covered in red shinsu. Mira was surprised a little bit, but she quickly reacts by jumping back, barely avoiding the Garagon attack.

Mira put her sword in front of her while Garagon coats both of his hand with red shinsu. They both at a standstill, and both of them don't look away. Everything was quiet; the tension was high, Evol who stood behind Mira, watched in silence, readying to see who would make the first move.

1 second

2 second

3 second

4 second

5 second

6 second

Garagon makes the fist move; he dashes forward while launching a red spear shinsu toward Mira, who responded by dodging the spear by taking a side step. Garagon reaches out his hand toward Mira; Garagon hand quickly transform into that of a red blade.

[Hoja Del Loto Rojo]


[Blade of The Red Lotus]

Garagon swings his blade toward Mira, who is quickly trying to block it, but to her surprised, the blade goes through her sword like it was a liquid. Mira's eyes widen; she quickly ducks, barely dodging the attack. Mira then the response by shooting a bag toward Garagon, who was able to dodge the bang. Mira follows it up by swing her sword upward, but Garagon dodge again, but that is not the end.

With all her power, Mira changes the direction of the sword that is swinging up forcefully. She swings it down, but that is not the only thing that she did; her sword is now coated with green shinsu; it was the same thing that Garagon did with his hand; she was able to copy it. Garagon eyes widen, seeing how Mira coat her sword with shinsu.

Garagon put his hand up, trying to block it while coating it with red shinsu; that was his mistake.

[Mira original sword style]




[Piercer Luna Eterna]

[Eternal Moon Piercer]

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