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Hyde's Hideaways
FBI Agent Eckhart
We found out Hyde had three places he used. One at Ana Steele's, one apartment and one very nice home hidden in the country. We discovered so much then we were brought into the Archie Rogers investigations. Carrick Grey was called of course when we were aware of Rogers associations with him. Don't want to screw around with a Grey no matter what. They are very reputable and they keep it that way. We have to cross Ts and dot Is in all we do in regards to Rogers. Grey told me to bring the search warrants for him to see before going into the offices and the homes of their clients. We agree to it, because we have to. Hyde is dead so his home and his apartment is easy. But his place at Miss Steele's is more delicate. I just can't understand the connection between Hyde and Rogers. I am starting to think they are two separate or one was a threat and the other might just be a thief.  Hyde is dead but Rogers isn't. He is behind bars now and seeing how he was ready to flee the country no bail was allowed.

I can't even hire an attorney Ana has made sure they freeze all my assets. I can't believe they found the checks missing so quickly. That silly little girl found all kinds of issues after Hyde tried to kill her. I tried to make it look like he killed her parents and her grandparents. I insured all of them including Ana and I am the beneficiary. Now they are going through all my places including the storage areas. I have a Public Defender. All my accounts and assets are frozen. I am also being charged with insurance fraud. They are trying to pin the murders of Anas parents and grandparents on me as well.

I can't believe all the things going on since Rogers tried to cash checks on Anas accounts. She alerted the banks and they called the authorities when he attempted to cash them he was escaping. Everyone thinks he is involved in the deaths and attempted deaths of the Steele family. I have had to allow certain amount of investigations into all Rogers accounts.they just aren't allowed to see any legal documents that pertain to incriminating anything. They can only see certain materials. So far all the clients Billings are in order. We checked Rogers files and nothing looked off. So he at least kept his illegal activities away from us. Including the ones we don't know about. Like when he took the Steele's accounts out of the office. I think we need to look at other wealthy clients and if they were approached by Rogers when their real attorneys were out ill or on vacation. Like myself. I had a an audit done of all the clients and found out there were ten clients who were supposed to be others and were now being serviced by Rogers. We got them in immediately and had them all bring there legal documents that he prepared for them. Here we go Rogers may have destroyed my law firm. I am very angry. I have to call each and every one of them and go over everything that Rogers did.

Three days later we have had all ten come in and the documents were right, the amount he charged was way too much. I had everything redone and refunded all monies involving Rogers. Two were my clients and the rest were my four associates. We all lost money, but the clients were happy with the final outcome and agreed to come back in once the documents were redone. That would take a week. We also gave them forty bailable hours each for free. With what they pay us for a month that is minor amount. I would say Rogers lost us over a million dollars. Luckily we can claim the losses on taxes.

FBI Agent
I have found so much in Hyde's things, but oddly nothing about him renting a big enough vehicle to kill the Steele's. So someone has to have been in on it with him. I ask if I can check on Rogers evidence, the police have hoarded the things and a forensic accountant and auditor are combing over everything. Legal documents are being gone through.

I see all kinds of things in his files and what stands out is insurance policies. Now that is odd, none are in his name but he is listed as the beneficiary on all of the policies. I see they are all written by the same company and same agent. Now this gets even more interesting as I go along. There are several accounts and they seems to have withdrawals for the payments to the insurance company. I give the police the information along with Grey. And now the FBI.

Claims adjuster Smith
I have a call regarding claims that we paid out for the Steele's. I knew something about those claims were odd. Four life insurance claims all being paid out to an attorney is quite odd. Add to it they were killed in a wreck involving a huge vehicle and them. I check everything out on this the same agent wrote up these policies and I see one policy for the daughter and granddaughter is still active. I report this to attorney who made the call to me. Soon we are asked to keep this t ourselves and send copies of the policies still active and the ones paid out and who the checks were written to.

Diana Ford
My manager has been digging through all the claims made and the policies that are still active. I am thinking about what they are looking for. Soon they come to talk to me and I know that they have everything they need to put me behind bars for good. I am handcuffed as they dig through all my files and they keep finding more and more.

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