Chapter 4. Shackles

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Kat's POV

Chaos erupted in the lunchroom Friday afternoon. Piper, Jenna, Olivia, Skylar, and I all jumped out of our chairs. There was a huge crowd of kids forming a circle. I stood on my toes to look above their heads, but I wasn't tall enough for that. The kids moved around so violently that I got pushed into the circle. 

"Ugh," I grunted as I got pushed further forward. I looked around trying to find the girls but I couldn't. I was pushed by an onlooker again. Suddenly I was in the circle the students had formed. 

One of the football player jocks was lying beneath Lucifer, and his face was bloody. The guy was almost the same size as Lu but he didn't look like he could take much more. Why isn't anyone doing anything?!

"Stop it!" I shrieked.

Lu's head snapped up and his gaze met mine. He glared at me. His jaw was clenched. Lu still had a hold of the boy's collar and was hovering over him. His fist was balled up. Blood covered his knuckles.

I stared back at him with a horrified expression. My chest was rising and falling. It felt as if someone reached inside of me and squeezed my lungs. 

A bunch of staff and students grabbed Lucifer and pulled him off the football player. A nurse came bustling in to check the boy over. The first thing she did was check for breathing and a pulse. All the other kids seemed to fade away. Jenna grabbed my arm and pulled me from the cafeteria.

God, what is his problem? Why is everyone acting so unsurprised? Does this really happen that often? Why hasn't he been expelled if he is always beating up somebody?

When we reached the main lobby there were two policemen putting cuffs and shackles on Lucifer. His gaze met mine, and to my surprise, he didn't look angry. He looked almost defeated. He quickly dropped his gaze. He turned around and the police escorted him out of the high school. 

"He'll be out by tomorrow," Jenna muttered.

"What?" I gasped. "After all of that?" I pointed back toward the cafeteria. "No way."

"Trust me, he will. This is something that happens a lot. He gets angry so easily. That guy pissed him off. Everyone should know better by now. That's why that day you smarted off to him I told you to stop. He's fucking crazy," Jenna explained.

"Yeah," I breathed. I'm gathering that. It's all I could manage my mind was still exploding with the images of Lucifer beating up the guy. It was strange how fast he could seem to move. He moved so fluently. The rage in his eyes was enough to make you want to turn and run. The only reason he didn't scare me like he did the other kids was that he couldn't possibly do worse to me than what had already been done. 


The house I pulled up to had a bunch of toys and a couple of bicycles out in the front yard. The house appeared to be made of stone. It was large and modern. I grabbed my purse locked my car doors and headed up to the front door. The door opened after a few knocks. 

The woman I assumed was Carey smiled. Behind the smile, she looked almost upset. "Hi, you must be Katrina?"

"Yes," I said and smiled.

"My name is Carey." She opened the door gesturing for me to come inside. We walked into the living room.

 Three young girls were sitting on the couch. One of them looked to be only two years old. She had black curly hair and dark brown eyes. Her hair was in pigtails. She smiled and waved at me. I waved back. The other girl looked to be about five or six years old and the other looked to be about nine years old. They both had brown straight hair and brown eyes. The two older girls looked much like Carey.

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