Chapter 18. Are You Insane?

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Kat's POV

"Wake up," Lu whispered in my ear and nudged me.

I groaned and looked up at him through squinted eyes. "What?" I yawned.

"Come on, I want to show you something," Lu said.

I looked over at the alarm clock it was two in the morning. I looked back at Lu confused. "Are you insane? It's two in the morning."

"Just get dressed. I'll be in the truck. Dress warm, it is cold as fuck," he said. He jumped off the bed and closed the door behind him. 

"He can't be serious," I muttered under my breath. I crawled out of bed and turned the light on.

We were going home in a couple of days. Things between Lu and I were good. However, anytime Jax walked into a room he wouldn't look at Lu or me. Lu would glare at Jax and I would have to pull Lu's attention back to me. There was a lot of tension between the three of us.

Once I was dressed I headed outside to the truck. The truck was running. Hopefully, it is warmer than out here–I thought to myself as I shivered.

Lu watched me as I crawled into the cab. "Ready?"

"For what?" I muttered and glared at him.

He chuckled at my irritation.

"You may be freakish and able to run on two hours of sleep, Lu, but not everybody is like that," I hissed at him. 

"You will get more sleep, I promise," he said and chuckled. 

I didn't speak as he drove us toward town. It was a real small town but great for tourists. He parked next to a small building. He shut the truck off and turned to me.

"I'll be right back. Get out and stay by the truck," he said.

"Okay?" I arched a brow.

We climbed out of the truck. Lu disappeared somewhere in the dark. I squinted my eyes and looked around. Suddenly, there was a bright flash.

I gasped and looked around. The entire area was lit up by twinkly lights. I smiled. It was breathtaking. 

"What do you think?" Lu asked as he hopped back to my side. He flashed me a smile, showing all of his teeth.

"An ice skating rink? This couldn't wait until tomorrow? Besides isn't this like illegal?"

"Not if we don't get caught," Lu said. He wiggled his eyebrows.

I gave him a disapproving look but he spoke again before I could scold him.

"Look, it'll be packed tomorrow and that isn't any fun."

"Lu, I can't skate. I have never been ice skating."

"It's not that hard I'll show you," he said.

"We don't have–" I stopped speaking as Lu held up two pairs of Ice skating shoes. I pursed my lips. "You buy those?"

"Yeah, earlier," he smirked. 

"What if we get caught?"

"What if we don't? What if we die in a car accident on the way home? Are you going to spend your entire life worrying about what if's, kitty-kat? Live in the moment for once," he said. There was a challenge in his eyes as he offered me the shoes.

I thought for a moment and sighed. I snatched the shoes from him, giving him a doubtful look. 

When we were finished putting them on, Lu helped me stand up. We made our way down to the ice carefully. As soon as the blades hit the ice I started to lose my balance. I squealed as my legs moved uncontrollably beneath me.

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