Chapter 14. You're Mine

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Kat's POV

Lu sat down beside me on the couch after we got the girls to bed. He let his hand come down on my bare thigh with a smack. He trailed his hand up my thigh and looked down at me. "Maddie's mom overdosed when she was thirty-six weeks pregnant with Maddie. Maddie was in the NICU for a while because of it. I named Maddie after her mom. When Maddie was first born I thought she looked a lot like her. As she got bigger that wasn't the case but..." he trailed off and shrugged. 

"Overdosed on what?"

"Meth," he said. "I tried pulling her out of that shit but she wouldn't budge. She started going behind my back to parties. I heard she cheated on me but I never knew if it was true. I broke up with her, though. Madeline was my first serious girlfriend. Actually, she was probably the only girl I was serious with."

"Did you love her?"

He pursed his lips and shook his head. "That is a really strong word, kitty-kat," he murmured. The look in his eyes sent a shiver down my spine. "I wouldn't say I was in love with her but I cared about her. I felt bad about the shit she was into because the first time she ever tried drugs was when she got with me. She smoked weed with me first. She did coke with me first. Then she got into some heavier shit that even I wasn't into. They found so many fucking drugs in her system when she died they said my daughter was lucky to have made it. Even after we broke up I still cared for her and tried to keep an eye on her and she hated it. She was going to give the baby up and I was considering it too. It seemed that it would be stupid to let Madeline and I have a kid. Madeline was into horrible shit just as I was back then. I don't think the state was going to let Madeline keep our daughter anyway. I got clean and Madeline got worse."

"Ty told me you overdosed."

"I did," he said. "I overdosed on cocaine. That was the day after I found out that Madeline was pregnant. I was so blown away about the pregnancy I went out and got hammered and was doing way more cocaine than I should have. I went into the bathroom at school and did another line."

"That is why you didn't want me to watch Maddie?"

"She doesn't know that her mom is dead. She has never asked me, but I know that she will. One day I will have to tell her the truth and it's going to hurt her. Maddie has no family but me. Madeline's parents wanted nothing to do with Maddie. My family isn't around."

"But she has Carey, Sara, and Ava," I pointed out.

"Yeah," he agreed. "But she doesn't get super attached to people. She is more attached to you than she is Carey, Sara, and Ava combined. She loves them of course but she don't act with them the way she does with me or you. Apart from me the only person she is really attached to is you. What am I supposed to do when you're not around?"

I scooted closer to him my nose only a couple inches from him. My gaze locked with his. "I don't have to be her babysitter to have something to do with her. The truth is, I've gotten attached to her to. I can still stick around for her."

He nodded. "We'll see how it goes."

"Where is Ava and Sara's dad at?"

"That was my fault. Carey likes to try to argue the fact, but I know better." 

"What do you mean?"

"Carey was married to Ava and Sara's dad until I came along. His name was Craig. He was pissed off when he found out that Carey took me. He didn't really care for kids let alone foster kids. Carey was the one that was into taking foster kids. Carey was determined to give other kids a better life. Craig and I got into a physical fight one night when I was about fifteen. Carey tried to break us up. Craig hit me first and gave me a black eye. I got angry and started hitting him over and over. Carey finally pulled me off him and he walked out the door. He never came back either," Lu said. "Carey insisted that things were going bad with Craig before I came around but I think she says that to make me feel better. I apologized to Carey for so long because of it. She seemed more angry with him than me about it. I wasn't exactly a good kid, but I'm usually good here at home for Carey. I did what I was told and didn't talk back. Carey and I grew close, but Craig hated me."

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