Chapter 12. How Did I Get Here?

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Kat's POV

A strange beeping noise woke me up. My eyes fluttered halfway open. The first thing I saw was a monitor. I opened my eyes wider and looked around the room. How did I get here? I started to sit up but a hand stopped me. 

"Hey, hey," A deep voice said.

A gasp escaped me. I turned my head and met a familiar pair of dark brown eyes. "Lu?" 

"Stay put," he said softly.

"What am I doing here? What are you doing here?" I asked confused.

"When you didn't answer me or show up this morning I came over looking for you. Your grandma was gone. You were in the bathroom passed out," he said. 

"Where is my grandma now?"

"She's down in the cafeteria. I used your phone to get ahold of her. What the hell happened, kitty-kat? Why would you-" Lu stopped short as if the words got stuck in his throat. He looked down at the arm he was holding. He moved my arm to show me.

"Oh god," I breathed. I looked down at the wrist that was wrapped up in gauze.

"Do you have any idea how close you were to dying? They told me if you would have cut any deeper you would have been dead when I found you," he said. He looked as if he was offended by what I did. "Why did you do it?"

I knitted my eyebrows together as I looked down at my arm. I refused to look at him or answer his question. I should have died in that bathroom. I didn't want to be here anymore. The mental anguish of my life had finally won. My dad and my stepdad had finally destroyed me. 

"They're going to put you away for a few days, kitty-kat," Lu murmured.

My head snapped over to him. "W-what do you mean?" 

"They're going to keep you but not in this part of the hospital. There is a psychiatric unit on the next floor up and that is where they are taking you."


"What do you mean why? You tried killing yourself," he growled. "Why would you do something like that? Do you have any fucking idea what that would have done to your family, friends, the"

I snorted. "What family? The only family I have is my grandma," I muttered.

"And what? Everyone else is chopped liver?" He snapped.

My gaze locked with his. I could see the worry in his eyes but I couldn't fathom why it was there. Lu was just my employer. We weren't even what you would call friends. We fought more than anything else. 

"What am I supposed to tell Madeline, Sara, and Ava if you wind up dead?" He asked angrily. He grabbed my wrist and pushed it back up to my face. "This is not the answer to whatever the hell you're going through."

"How would you know?" I snapped. "You don't know anything about me!"

"I know how amazing you are. You're kind, patient, responsible, smart, funny, and beautiful. So many people would miss you," he murmured. "You need to get help."

The door opened. I was expecting it to be my grandma but it wasn't. It was Sara, Ava, Madeline, and Carey. 

Carey spoke first. "Hi, Kat. How are you feeling?"

"Um, fine," I murmured.

"Lu, I'm exhausted. I have to go home and get some sleep," Carey said.

"Yeah, I'll keep the girls," Lu said.

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