Chapter 24. Where The Fuck Is My Daughter?

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Kat's POV

My body reacted quicker than my mind. I threw the door shut and locked the deadbolt. I raced back to the living room.

Maddie's eyes widened. "What's wrong, Kat?"

I grabbed Maddie and Ariel. I rushed over to their playroom. The room was full of toys. I quickly placed them in the small closet.

"Whatever you do, don't come out until I come for you. Don't make a sound," I said sternly. I ran back out of the room and closed the door behind me.

The door busted open, and the men walked into the living room.

I spun around and ran for the kitchen. On the kitchen island was a set of knives. I reached for one.

Hands grabbed me around the waist. Miguel lifted me and threw me over the island. Items that were on the counter clattered to the floor.

My body slammed against the tile of the wall behind the counter, and then I rolled off the counter onto the floor.

Miguel walked around the island. He kicked me in the stomach.

I groaned in pain.

He squatted down beside me. He gripped a fistful of my hair and raised my head to look at him. "Where the fuck is my daughter?" he sneered.

I smiled. "Fuck you."

Miguel looked at the other to men and nodded his head in the direction of the kitchen door. "Go look." Miguel raised me to my feet. He stared intently into my eyes. "You won't get away with this, you little bitch. I will find her. If you just tell me where she is, I will leave, and you will not hear from me again."

Instead of speaking, I brought my knee up between his legs with a grunt.

He groaned and hunched over in pain.

I reached back on the counter and grabbed a butcher knife. I gripped his shoulder with one hand.

He looked up at me, confused.

A smirk embedded on my face as I drove the knife into his abdomen. I pulled the knife back out, and he collapsed to the floor. I ran from the kitchen. The door of the playroom was still empty. I turned to head for the door.


My body spun around, and I gripped the knife harder. It was Lu. I breathed a sigh of relief.

"What the fuck is going on?" he hissed. "Who-"

One of the men came out from behind Lu.

"Lu Behind–"

Lu spun around before I could finish my sentence. He already had his gun raised. He fired it as soon as he was facing the man.

The bullet hit the man in the chest, and he fell to the ground.

Lu stood over him and shot him in the head. Lu grabbed my arm and pulled me toward the wall. He looked around before his gaze met mine. "Where are the girls?"

"They're safe. There are two more. It's Ariel's dad. He's in the kitchen," I whispered. "I don't know where the other is."

"Stay put. Yell if you need me." Lu turned and stalked off to the kitchen.

I stood silently against the wall. A moment later, one of the men came barrelling down the steps. I turned away from the wall—my back toward the kitchen.

"Lu!" I screamed.

The man stood in front of me and raised his gun.

I swallowed hard and squeezed my eyes shut. I knew that I couldn't run. The man would shoot me, regardless.

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