Chapter 7

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Sorry for the late update. Writer's block.

Hiccup's Pov

I woke up to Jack growling, the vikings cooking breakfast, and Snotlout staring at me. That explains the growling. I look around to spot our dragons missing causing me to shoot up and fall back down. Everyone looked at me as I looked at my foot that seemed to be melted.

"Hiccup! Are you okay?" My mate asked as he helped me sit back up.

"Why is my leg melted? Where are our dragons? And why is Snotlout staring at me?" I asked while my leg grew back. Everyone besides jack stared in shock.

"Your leg got to close to the fire. The dragons are hunting. And I don't know why Snotface was staring at you," Snotlout looked miffed at the name he was given by my snowy haired mate. I just chuckled.

"You have no chest!" Snotlout yelled. It was easy to tell if i had a chest or not because when my armor is off, I'm wearing a skin tight tunic, "If you were a girl, then you should have a chest! And where did the muscle come from!? There is no way that you are Hiccup!"

Jack growled as he said, "Why you little t-"

"Hey! Calm down! I can handle this. Snotlout, the reason I don't have a chest is because a dragon actually turned me into a guy. I've been this way for the past five years. The muscle came from training with the dragons. They are really harsh trainers. I don't care if you think I am Hiccup or not. I have no proof other than the fact that I have the same nightfury that Astrid saw me with five years ago and a scar under my chin, but hey, you can barely see it with all the other scars on my face, so I don't blame you," I was right, you can barely make out the small scar because I have a large scar going through the small one from a dragon hunter. There is a thin scar going through my left eye, forcing it shut. and down pass my shirt. My right ear is torn in some places, and my right eye brow has a small nick in it. To say I was a little unrecognizable was kind of an understatement.

Snotlout looked a little embarrassed at being proven wrong. Jack looked smug and gave me a thumbs up. The other vikings were silently listening to us while they ate there fish. Toothless and Yuri chose that time to come walking back to the cove carrying two very large deer. I didn't know deer were native to Berk. They sat the deer in front of me then decided to take a bath in the lake. I started preparing the deer for lunch that will be in a few hours.

Fishleg's Pov

I look at Hiccup as he started skinning the poor deer. Jack was watching Hiccup with worry in his eyes. They seem to be closer than just friends. The way Jack comforted Hiccup in the cell, the way jack growls like a dragon when someone looks at Hiccup wrong, and the way Hiccup carefully wrapped Jack's head with a smile as if he was remembering something similar happening. Could these two be lovers? I look over at Astrid, who everyone knows has a crush on the use to be scrawny viking. She was staring lovingly at the scarred brunette as if she blinked he would disappear.

"So. Hiccup my man! How did you get all these gnarly scars?" Tuffnut asked as his sister started to giggle.

"Yeah tell us!" Ruffnut shouted. Hiccup stayed silent for a few minutes contemplating whether or not to tell them. He finally looked up at everyone staring at him and gave in. He took off his tunic and oh my gods, there were son many scars. Jack scooted closer to the brunette. He pointed to his ice arm and started to explain.

"This I got just after I left berk. I fought a huge dragon called the Red Death," he moved his hand to three diagonal scars on his hip, "This, I got from a baby razorwhip, she was scared, blind, and didn't know who she was attacking. She is now getting cared for by a friend of mine," he turned around and we saw a huge black nightfury tattoo, "I got this when me and Jack mated. The rest are man made."

I stared in horror. All of those scars and only four of them were made by dragons. (His baby chin scar, leg, arm, razorwhip scar) These aren't just scars collected over time, Hiccup Haddock III was tortured.

 (His baby chin scar, leg, arm, razorwhip scar) These aren't just scars collected over time, Hiccup Haddock III was tortured

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A/n Chapter 7 is complete. I hope you liked it.

Jack: I didn't like where he took of his shirt.

Lilith: Suck it up.

Jack: I will kill you.

Hiccup: Jack!

Lilith: Haha! Good luck! I'm already half dead.

Danny: So am I.

HiJack: Ah!

Lilith: Hey Danny!

Danny: Sup. Nice haunting y'all but I gotta go.

Lilith: Fine. Say Hi to the others.

Danny: Sure. *Leaves*

Comment if you know who Danny is. If you don't, that is fine, but if you do and you haven't read my Phantom Phanfiction please read it. It is completed.                                                                  ~Lilith out

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