2. Percy (edited)

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                           ART NOT MINE

I would have liked to sit down in a coffee shop and have my drink presented to me by a woman I fall in love with straight away. But I can't do that, I am Jackson.

Love stories are what has kept me sane growing up in the public eye, that and blue food.

Maybe I should explain that one. My mother and father had me out of wedlock, which is obviously unacceptable for a future queen, so she married Gabe to make it look like I was his child. Of course, I wasn't, and Gabe was a world class jerk. Some time after he started dipping into our money more and more, my mother got up the courage to divorce him.

Before that, when they were still married, I had asked for blue pancakes, I was six, Gabe had then told me that they didn't exist and that I was stupid, after that my mother made it her mission to help the maids in the kitchen and make sure to add blue food dye to all of my food. It sort of stuck, even after they got divorced.

I changed into the Pj's that had been laid out on my bed for me and tucked myself in. Tomorrow, I would meet my Queen.


I stood at the top of the stairs to the castle, the red carpet cushioned my foot under the sturdy boot as I descended the steps.

Many cars where pulling up to the driveway through the gleaming gates and the sun was shining brightly on the castle turrets.

Out of the first car came a girl, North American I expected but she was too far away to see properly. She had a turquoise dress on, that she obviously felt uncomfortable in, and a feather the same shade as her dress braided into a plait at the back of her head. "Piper McLean, Oklahoma." Announces the driver after shutting the door behind her.

She strode confidently up to me and stuck out her hand, "Piper McLean, 17, you can call me Pipes," I shook her hand and then whispered in her ear "Go, wear whatever you want. You look extremely uncomfortable," she laughed and walked behind me towards a few maids.

Out of the next car, a girl with black hair down to her shoulders on the right side, where as the left side was completely shaven off. She was wearing black leather pants with a leather skirt on top, a black T-shirt with studded leather jacket. An outfit proving she only wore a skirt as it was a requirement"Thalia Grace. A little bit of everywhere." Her driver announced, probably annoyed at the answer he was given for her 'place of residents'.

Thalia's walk was as if she didn't want to be here, which she obviously didn't. Her eyes were electric blue and her shoes clicked on them tarmac, before being silenced by the plush carpet. "Thalia Grace, 17, pleasure," she didn't even give me her hand, my father audibly gasped, I just smiled as she walked towards the next set of maids. She wasn't the one, I knew it of course, but she seemed far to cool to not at least get to know.

Another girl came out of the next car, she was wearing a purple dress with gold lace patterns and purple heels. She had dark skin with cinnamon coloured hair that bounced around her head in curls. "Hazel Levesque, New Orleans"

She walked slowly, when she reached me, she curtseyed. She stood back to her full height, "Hazel Levesque, 16, good afternoon,"(don't @ me I know she's like 13 but this is an A.U) I shook her hand and she walked back behind me to yet another set of maids.

Next, came a girl with flaming red hair. She had bright green eyes and pale skin. She wore a gold dress with a poof around the ankles.  She had freckles dancing around her face.  She was attractive, but not sweep-you-off-your-feet-ride-into-the-sunset-as-soon-as-we-meet-attractive. "Rachel Elizabeth Dare, New York City,"

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