19. Percy

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The shattered head set had scattered its various pieces over the hard, cemented floor. A small but jabbed a hole in my foot but the small prick of pain didn't register in my brain as I backed away into the wall.

I heard a door open but couldn't tell if someone was talking to me or not. My whole life, gone, swept under a tidal wave.

Mom, Paul, Dad, Tyson, my best friends, the village kids and all the selected girls. Gone. Shot, drowned, stabbed. I could feel my eyes glazing over, my vision blurred so the white wall in front of me was now clean of all its stains.

I felt like I couldn't breathe, like my whole throat was gated and locked up. I clutched at my chest for support, trying to claw open the barrier that was keeping me from breathing freely.

The glass in my foot pushed deeper as my heel rested on the floor and I was flushed with an undeniable sense of dread.

I started to feel sick and my head started to spin. It was almost as if someone was holding their hands around my throat. All of a sudden it felt too hot, yet too cold at the same time.

My hands and feet were tingling and my limbs were aching. My vision tunnelled and it looked like I was seeing the world through a fish eyed lens.

I felt myself crumble to the floor and my arms cradled around my legs. I couldn't ground myself, I looked around. I tried to see 5 different things but the walls were all white and stained and the room was completely empty.

Something in my brain clicked that there was another presence in the room.

"Percy." Annabeth whispered out, her hand nearly came in contact with my shoulder until she quickly pulled it away.

"Do you want me to touch you? I'm not sure if you want me to hug you." She said, she didn't even move until I nodded my head.

She enveloped me into a hug and my breathing evened out slightly. "Are you- um. Do you want to talk about it?" Annabeth whispered out.

"No. Distract me." It was the first words I'd spoken and my voice didn't sound the same.

"Um, I'm not sure what to say."

I tried to search my jumbled mind for some sort of subject, a topic of conversation. "What were you going to tell me in the forest?"

"Percy, I don't think I can-" she shook her head.


"I kept a picture of you on my bedside table when I was younger." her hand instantly came up to smack her own face.

"You what?" I whispered out, a small smile graced my lips as her eyes turned as wide as the moon.

"I- gods, why did I just tell you that?"

"Because, you are my girlfriend, along with like 10 other people."

"That's disgusting, don't say that." She added "Are you calmer now?" I nodded and tried to stand up.

"No, we aren't going anywhere yet."

"What? Why are you here then?" I eyed her up, looking at her tattered leggings and dusty shirt. Her hair still shone like the sun at the end of a dark tunnel, she frowned slightly as her lips moved and pulled down at the corners.

Her cheeks reddened as she continued to talk; her whole face was covered in dirt but it didn't dim her beauty.

"Percy! Aren't you listening to me?" She spoke, snapping me out of my trance.

"Uh, absolutely."

"No, you're not. Don't worry, I zone out too." She waved her hand and continued to speak, "In the tree, the plaque, that was Luke."

"This Luke?"

"This Luke." She confirmed, sitting down properly in front of me.

"And he calls you Annie, which is why you don't like being called that." I pieced together.

"Yes, I'm sorry Percy. This is my fault."

"No it's not, Annabeth. You have done nothing wrong." Her eyes shifted from the ground to my face, before looking down at the floor again.

"Yes, I have." She sighed and moved a hand through her matted locks. She rested her arms on her knees and cocked her head into her hand.

"I broke up with him...." she spoke after a while of silence. I could feel my own cheeks reddening as she spoke about her romantic relationships. I'm not great with feelings.

"Right, and?"

"It's my fault! He obviously needed me and I left him and-"



"Woah woah woah," Drew emerged through the door with a wide smirk, a gun strapped to her hip and a dagger in her hand. "What's all this shouting about?"

Annabeth's head shot up like a rocket at the sound of her voice.

"What a pair you two are, sat on the floor like little school children." She laughed louder than I think I've ever heard anyone before, over exaggerated and mocking.

"Aw, is Annie gonna cry?" She poked the dagger through a belt loop and fisted her cheeks in the typical crying gesture.

"What do you want, Drew?" I stood to her level and her face cracked again in humour.

"That isn't the way you speak to the person who could kill you right here." The humour drained out of her face and she pointed the gun at her forehead, keeping her eyes trained on me.

"Now sit down." There was a hard edge to her voice that made me obey and I plonked down on the floor.

"You-" she gestured to Annabeth with her gun- "with me. You, wait for the others." She pointed at me for the last part and whisked Annabeth our of the door.

• Annabeths PoV

"Where are you taking me? Why can't Percy come? Why are you doing this?" 

"Oh my gods! You sure ask a lot of questions for someone who is about to fall to her death."

"Ha! I got something out of you an- what?"

"Well, you already know now. I'm going to push you off the cliff."


Word Count: 1029


867 READS! I can't comprehend this right now, I've had so many amazing comments and votes and I love you all so much. You don't have any idea how much I love every single one of you. You are my favourite people in the world. Okay, I'm going to stop harassing you with my compliments now. But seriously, thank you so much. I was so determined to finish this chapter for you guys.

Ily, Nala :)


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