11. Annabeth, Percy & Grover

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Nico rushed towards me, he stood up on his tiptoes and brought his mouth to my ear. "Guys stop! She's not my girlfriend, she's just very pretty!" I heard Percy shout.

"Percy said your beautiful," Nico whispered in my ear. I smiled, my cheeks rising in temperature as I saw him slowing down to stop a few feet away. I ruffled Nico's dark hair and stood to my full height; I started to walk slowly over to him and a plan formed in my head.

"Oh, so I'm beautiful, am I?"

"Uhh...I-" he stuttered while he ran a hand through his hair and even his ears turned red.

"I'm just 'very pretty'? Am I Perce?" I stepped even closer to him. Our faces were almost touching. I noticed he had a mole on the left side of his face, just above his lips. "Well then,"

I leant in and he stood there speechless, I was about to kiss him when I remembered he's the prince and there was about 50 kids surrounding us. I instead directed my lips to the side of his left cheek.

"Thanks for the compliment, idiot," I rushed away to sit back down with the little kids until I heard a shout from across the square.

"Perseus Jackson!" Someone screamed as they emerged from the crowd. The voice belonged to the guard who had taken Drew Tanaka away after the ruckus she caused.

She sounded really mad, like she would punch us in the face mad. "Percy, we are allowed to be here?" I asked warily. If he was to say no, I was about to kick him right in his-

"If i were to say no, would you be mad?"

"Yes!" I practically screamed at him, he can be really dumb sometimes.

"Oh no. No, no, no, no, anyone but Clarisse." Percy whispered to himself.

Clarisse was already stood in front of us now and I felt as if I was about to get pulled by the ear into my bedroom and told I wasn't getting any cookies before bed.

"You aren't meant to go to the village at all, especially alone!" She shouted at Percy, though the whole courtyard heard.

"And you brought her?" She turned to face me this time, "Yeah, and? There are other people here wit-" she crammed her hand over my mouth, effectively cutting me off  "We're going back to the castle."

She released my mouth and grabbed Percy "Come on." Clarisse has his arm in her hands. I felt Percy looking at me as I followed behind both of them.

We reached the castle and Clarisse took us to a different enterance. I realised soon enough we were actually going through the entrance we were probably meant to go through.

I heard a few guards mutter things like 'busted' as we walked by. "Grover! I caught these two in the village! Take them too the Queen,"

"Of course Clarisse," she turned away and stalked back down the hall. "Percy! What were you doing in the village?"

"In our defence, we did have Jason, Frank and Leo with us. Also I'm a trained fighter."

Grieve turned towards me "Ah, yes. Blond hair, grey eyes, high cheekbones, you must be Annabeth Chase. I see what you mean Percy, she is pretty."

"Dude!" Percy exclaimed, he slapped Grover lightly on the back. His whole face had gone red, to the tip of his ears. "Sorry Perce,"

"Don't worry, I know that. He had it revealed by a bunch of 10 year olds," (yes Nico is 10, shut up)

"Well, I'll have to hear that story some time. Anyway, if you had Jason, Frank and Leo with you-" he mimicked my speaking -"then where are they now?"

𝕨𝕚𝕤𝕖 𝕘𝕚𝕣𝕝 & 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕤𝕖𝕒𝕨𝕖𝕖𝕕 𝕓𝕣𝕒𝕚𝕟Where stories live. Discover now