4. Percy (edited)

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Chapter dedicated to REEEE-Person for always commenting things to make me laugh
                         ART NOT MINE
Annabeth walked out, her voice echoing down the corridor.

A smile played at my lips, hers embedded into my mind. Frank and Jason had probably escorted her back to her room by now, and then they will be back with the next maybe-Queen.

Le time skip, sorry lol

After sitting through countless meetings, I was finally allowed to leave the small living room. I was hungry - the only food I had actually eaten was a cookie a couple of hours ago - so I went down to the kitchen to grab some blue pancakes. It was after dinner time after all.

I was walking quietly down the hall when I heard a soft singing. It was getting louder as I walked towards the end of the corridor.

I turned a corner and saw, at the end of walk way, Annabeth sat in the corner of a large window. It took up almost the whole wall and was a matte black.

She was wearing a different dress then when I had first seen her. It was completely white and had a gold cord tied round the middle. Her hair was different too. Her blond curls were dancing under the moonlight from the window. She had a book resting in her lap, open to a page, but her head was leant against the window panes.

Her song was still unrecognisable but familiar, I was about 4 feet away now and she still hadn't noticed me . I decide to announce myself before she got creeped out. "Annabeth?"

She jumped and turned towards me, the melody stopped and the book fell to the floor. "Perseus! Sorry, I didn't see you there." Her cheeks went red and she dropped her head to the floor.

"Hey, what was that song? I liked it, I think I know it " I asked, trying to lighten the mood. She looked up at me, with wide eyes.

"I wrote it," she whispered, her face rose to meet my gaze. She had written that song, and it was amazing. She nodded towards the other end of the window sill.

There was rain pattering along the window panes. Her dress splayed around her ankles in a cloud of white fabric. We sat in silence for a while, just staring at each other.

"Are you hungry?" I asked suddenly, I was always asking questions. "I am actually," she smiled lightly as I held out my hand. She placed her hand in mine and I pulled her towards the directions of the kitchens.

I pulled her down flights and flights of stairs, through stairwells and under archways. We finally reached a set of heavy brown doors, they had big metal rings as handles.

I pulled it open, hoping it wouldn't creak. Which, of course, it did. It was ear splitting and both of us instinctively went to cover our ears, but our hands were still intertwined.

She went to drop our hands but I squeezed her hand tightly.

After I had checked through the door for chefs and servants, I pulled her through the doors. I flicked a light on and heard her gasp slightly. The kitchens were stocked completely with food. Like top to bottom shelf's full of fruits and vegetables.

I led her towards a pantry, let go off her small hand and pulled out eggs, flower, salt and other necessities. She followed behind me as I pottered around, picking up bits and bobs - a bowl here, a whisk there. I finally set them all down on the kitchen island, "we're gonna make some pancakes."

Annabeth walked towards the kitchen island, "I don't know how,"

"Well, good job I do then. Behind that door, two aprons. I wouldn't an you to get your lovely dress dirty," I gestured towards the door on the other side of the room. Annabeth walked over and unhooked a blue and red apron, she passed me the blue one and tied the red around her waist.

I put flour, baking powder, caster sugar and salt into the bowl and then got another jug for the milk and the egg. "Get the egg and milk and mix them in there please," I passed her the jug and she set to work on that.

I got my butter in a bowl and placed it in the microwave, while the butter was melting I measured some other ingredients. The microwave pinged and I pulled the bowl out. Annabeth stood, whisking away and I snatched the jug out of her hands. "Hey!" She protested, I clamped my hand over her mouth.

Lifting my finger to my lips I shushed her quietly and let both my hands fall to my sides.

I poured the butter into the milk/egg thingy and poured it into the bowl with the dry ingredients. I dropped in some blue food dye whilst her back was turned "Now, you get a fork and mix until it looks yummy," I whispered , suddenly worried that someone would find us here.

I passed her a fork and she instantly shoved it in the bowl, the whole concoction exploded in our faces. The blue dye had only just about been mixed in and now we had blue all over ourselves.

We were silent, just staring at each other and the mess we made. I started to chuckle. We were both, soon, basically on the floor laughing. She had her hand on her face and was shaking. We were being so loud I'm surprised no one was finding us.

Annabeth suddenly lurched forward and fell into my arms, her smile was as bright as the morning sun. Her eyes shone so that I felt as if the blaring light above our head was pointless. Her face was shapely and her eyebrows sharp, her nose was small and her lips were full. Beautiful.

"Hi" I whispered, my voice coming out embarrassingly hoarse. Her eyes widened again, and she straightened up while coughing. Her cheeks were red as a sunset and her eyes avoided mine.

"I'll clean this-" she gestured to the sticky blue goo all over the floor-"up and you can go to bed, Perseus,"  you could cut the tension in the air with a knife. The air around us was thick with how awkward we were being.

"No, you go up to bed and I'll clean this up. Pancakes were my idea after all," I reasoned. She looked as if she were about to contradict me, but instead just nodded and undid her apron. Annabeth walked over to the door she had retrieved our aprons from earlier and shut the door. She dropped her apron in a pile of other dirty ones just beside the door.

"Thank you Perseus, I will see you tomorrow." She walked out of the kitchen and as the door shut I could see her fanning her face.

Word count: 1142
Hi! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! I'm going camping so I won't probably won't post for like a week but I hope you enjoy this chapter while I'm gone! Thanks for reading!

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