14. Percy

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I fixed my tie as I sat opposite an empty chair on the stage, Apollo would be sat there soon. I had gotten Jason to tie my tie today, I couldn't let Annabeth do it because she had just been in hospital, the way he did it was tighter and I had to keep moving it from my neck.

In less than 5 minutes I would be on live television. I had done it many a time growing up, but I was never the centre of attention. Now I was going to be completely stared at.

The original plan was to pick out names for the girls who would be taking part in the selection on live Tv too but they divided to narrow it down to at most 2 girls from the same city. Now there was 24 girls left and was going to eliminate 3 at the report.

I saw the selected girls being walked in by some people in black clothes with headsets on. Today, they were all wearing short dresses with no straps. A love heart neckline I think.

Apollo wandered on to the stage and stood in front of a flashing monitor. Someone from behind the cameras started to shout.


"Hello residents of Perímpeth! Welcome to the first report of the selection. Since Queen Sally and King Paul have decided to only do these once a month, these reports will be about 5 minutes longer than normal. Right, lets get right into talking to one of our favourite Princes, Perseus!" He introduced, flashing his award winning smile.

"Okay Perseus, how are you doing today?"

"I'm good actually. Thanks for asking Apollo, how are you?" I flicked my eyes over to the girls, scanning the group.

"I'm great! Now let's get on to the questions that we all want to know, which of the girls is your favourite so far?" He leanings I'm closer as he asked me, raising and eyebrow.

"I apologise Apollo but I won't be releasing that information today," I replied smiling. I looked back over at the selected, they all seemed to be dealing with the report ok.

"Well, your no fun today Prince. Let's ask the girls some questions." I nodded and watched as he removed himself from the seat and walked over to the line of chairs with my possible future wife's on there.

"Okay, whats your name, age and where your from, darling?"

"Rachel Elizabeth Dare, I'm 17 years old and I'm from New York City," she smiled warmly at the camera and Apollo quickly picked up the questions.

"Have you formed any close relationships with any of the other girls, Lady Rachel?"

"Yes, actually. I am quite close to Reyna and Selena,"

"Oh that's lovely! Now, do you think you stand a chance of winning the election and Prince Perseus's hand?"

"I do hope so....." I drowned out the rest of Rachel's interview, instead watching the cameras zoom in on her and the way her hair bounced around her head.

"Okay, thanks Rachel! Who's next?"

The other girls all had the same questions with the same answered yet slightly rephrased. Soon we came to the last girl in the row, Annabeth.

"Good afternoon Perímpeth, I'm Annabeth Chase. I'm nearly 18 and am originally from Virginia," she smiled but I saw the slight widen of her eyes. Maybe she didn't know Apollo would be asking her questions today?

"Hi Lady Annabeth, is it true that you knew the prince's brother before the selection?" Apollo asked curiously.

"That is true, we met around a month ago at a book shop in the village,"

"Wow! That's awesome, how are you feeling about the selection?"

"Umm good,"
Apollo continued to fire questions at her until she started to look a bit green. I looked from her to Paul multiple times before he got the jist and stood up.

"Okay! Thank you all for joining us today and we hope you enjoyed meeting the brand new residents of the palace," Paul sat down again and The cameras turned off.

Annabeth stood up and rushed off the set. I looked at my mom and she inclined her head towards where Annabeth had run off to.

"Annabeth!" I shouted as I started to sprint in the direction she was going. She stopped in the middle of the hall and bent over.

I caught up with her and she looked like she was about to throw up. "Hey, wise girl. Are you okay,"

She nodded her head yes before collapsing in my arms.

"Oh gods, not again." I picked her up bridal style and ran down the hall. She wasn't heavy so it was easy and we reached the doe toes office shortly.

"Hey, Will. Annabeth collapsed, I'm not sure if it's pressure or just anxiety but she really isn't doing good." I laid her down on the bed and Will brought her head up. He pulled of a white piece of plastic-y paper and it came off with a slight red stain on it.

"Well, she's definitely doing better. I'd imagine it's just anxiety, but it might be medications so we'll have to check that one over. Thanks Perseus, I'll be sure to update you soon." Will said, smiling as he ended the small speech.

I took that as my cue to leave and walked out the door. I hope she was doing alright, she was really nice and as an added bonus she is extremely pretty. Also, I couldn't have one of the selected dying on me in the middle of the selection.

What if she wouldn't be able to finish the selection? Would that mean I would only have 23  girls left? No that sounds wrong, if I started in 30 and then I dismissed 5 and then 2 girls then that makes 23 but then if I took away Annabeth then it would be 22. Ok, 22 girls.

I reached my room and sat down on my bed. There was a couple of photos stick to my wall with tape or blue tac.

One of me being really cute, as always, at around 2 years old. One of me, mom, Paul and Tyson a couple of years back. There was this last one of my best friend from when I was young, Annabelle. She was funny and cute and could kill someone with a sword. I haven't seen her since I was about 14.

I pulled up my book that I was reading currently, it was the Greek version though. I had been brought up on Greek lettering and found it harder to read in English. Of course, I could if I tried. It was almost like dyslexia.

I stared at the words until they swam in front of my eyes and I shut the book. Switching off the light, I fell into a dreamless sleep.

Word count: 1150
Also, my birthday is in 28 days and I'm excited 😆! Happy reading!


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