15. Annabeth

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I flickered open my eyes and I once again saw the bright light of a hospital room. "Annabeth, welcome back."

"Seems history like to repeat itself,"

"It does didn't it. I checked you over and you seem okay, I just recommend taking it easy for a couple of days, you didn't hit you head or anything this time. No stress for a week or 2 and you should be feeling better,"

"Thanks Doc," I saluted him and looked around the room, it was basically the same as when I had been here yesterday.

"Do I have to walk back up stairs to my room in a hospital gown?"

"I'm afraid so. Just be double quick and hopefully no one will see you," he laughed at my struggles and turned off the monitor in the corner.

Checking the tie of my gown tightly, I climbed out of bed and rushed out of the room. "Bye Will!" I say, climbing the large steps.

Surprisingly, their wasn't any guards stationed on the 3rd floor so I was good to go. I expected to walk in and see Riley and Stacey, but instead I was met with an empty room.

Okay, I thought, This is odd.
I changed into a pair of leggings and a Crop top and began to search my room.

I checked behind the cabinets, the bathroom, their room, I even checked under the bed. Nothing. Not even a note.

I opened my door and peered out curiously. I stepped out, took a sharp left. and began to ascend the stairs up to the fourth floor. A guard stood there on top of the stairs. "Hey, do you know where my maids might have gone?"

"Possibly on their lunch break, Miss,"

"Thank you." I responded, smiling and nodding my head slightly. He nodded back and I retreated down the steps. Was it really lunch? How long was I out?

I checked the clock on my bedside table and sure enough, it was 2 minutes till lunch time. Instantly, I ran out of my room, slamming the door shut behind me. I ran down the massive stairs towards the dining room.

Bargain through the doors, I saw everyone sat down to eat. I stood still for a second, catching my breath. They all stared at me, looking me up and down. I followed the gaze of the many pairs of eyes and realised I was wearing Leggings and a crop top. In front of the royal family. And the prince. Who I am supposed to be dating. Along with every other girl here.

"Annabeth, come along dear." The Queen deadpanned as I walked towards my seat, the whole hall followed me as my chair screeched as I pulled it out.

Some people silently chuckled - cough cough, Percy - others just stared in shock. The table was already covered in the plates of food, each seat had a single plate in front.

"Would you like to inform Annabeth about your announcement, Perseus?" Queen Sally said, looking down between me and Percy as she spoke.

"Er, yes. Their is going to be a ball. For my birthday in 2 weeks. The king of Chóra Cheíron, Chiron, will be coming. Along with a few of his adopted children and their partners,"

I nodded and Sally waved her hand over the dining room, signalling the start of dinner. We all tucked in, game and potatoes.

"What are you wearing?" I heard a harsh whisper from across the table, "Why aren't you wearing a dress?"

"My maids were on break, Piper, and I just got out of the Royal ER." I replied, quietly but ferociously.

"Your maids were in a break?" Percy asked, he looked over at me like I had 3 heads. He didn't try to mask his volume at all. I heard a drop of cutlery form the royal table.

"Yes. What wrong with that?" I squinted at him slightly, tilting my head.

"No. No, it's nothing." He shook his head. He looked back at his parents and shook his head again.

"Please continue with your food,"

We fished our 2 course meal and began to file our the hall. Edging towards the steps, piper caught up with me.

"Annabeth?! What are you wearing?"

"Obviously not a skirt," I replied, reaching the halfway point of the massive stairway.

"Yes I got that," she smiled at me.

"Anyways, what are you going to wear for the
princes birthday ball?" She asked excitedly.

"Uh, I was thinking this." I said, humouring her. She slapped me on the arm.

"I was joking, Christ!" I said as I laughed at her.

"The truth. I have no clue. Sorry," I smiled and we parted ways at our doors.

"Hey guys! How was lunch?" I shut the door behind me and turned around.

Blood. Everywhere. The chandelier had a small drop on it, making a shadow on the wall. The picture I had of me, Bobby and Mathew was on the floor, I could only pray it wasn't smashed.

The mirror that I was forever sat in front was now covered in the blood of Riley and Stacey, who were led on the floor.

"No. No. No. No. No. No!" I gradually worked my way up to a scream as I ran out of the room. I raced out the door, not caring about the stares that followed me as I cried.

"Help! Please!" I screamed down the hallway, I was loud.

"What is it Miss?"

"It's Riley and Stacey. My maids. They're d-d d- I can't. They're in my room. On the floor."

The guards looked at each other fondly, smiling.

"What are you doing? Why are you smiling?" I shouted at them. The started to laugh uncontrollably.

"Funny joke, Miss. Come on. We'll take you back to your room," I was stunned into silence.

After everyone had gone back inside, one of then clasped their hands over my mouth.

They pulled black bandanas out from under their uniforms. Black with the red words Rebel embroidered into the fabric.

"Rebels," I whispered. Shaking my head, I ran. They made a grab for me but I pushed my foot back, knocking over both of them. I didn't scream, I just ran.

Using their confusion and the time it took them to get off to run down all the way to the top of the stairs.

Luckily, I wasn't wearing a dress. I reached the bottom of the stairs and saw many guards pulling off their hoods and revealing black bandannas with the red writing on.

A hand grabbed me and I was turned around. Standing in front of me was 5 Rebels, one of them holding onto Percy. He had blood coming out of his nose.

"Oh, Percy." I tried to reach out to him, but they grabbed my hands.

"Cmon, Annie. We've got some people who we want you to meet.

Word count: 1151
Hi! Wassup my dudes. So, rebels, because I was bored so. Anyways, hope you enjoyed. Vote and Comment and Happy Reading!


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