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This story was written way back in 2016. I had never thought, I would be publishing this book. But, I finally did.

Please do not copy my work. All the characters are fictional, and yes there would be some scenes which might cause some discomfort for the readers, so I had to put this book under mature. (Just to be on safer side!!!!)

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Ah right!!

A synopsis : (not needed, but just FYI)

Ronnie is turning 20 in two weeks. With her parents' death 7 years ago, her custody was given to their parents' trusted friend Mr. William Proset who was also their neighbour for long time. With Mr. Proset always away from home for business Ronnie gets along with his three sons Joy, Parker and Ron more than just fine. Joy and Ronnie had feelings for each other. Till one fine day Joy leaves along with his father to London leaving his two younger brothers and Ronnie alone, when they needed him the most.

Five years later with Ronnie's birthday approaching in two weeks, Joy suddenly visits them barging in their lives. Joy's brothers Parker and Ron unwelcome his presence; while, Ronnie doesn't even know her feelings for Joy. Joy notices his brothers Parker and Ron are overprotective of Ronnie, and unknown to him she suffers panic attacks and severe hypothermia.

Why did Joy leave them and Ronnie? Why after 5 years has he come back? Were the questions Parker and Ron questioned Joy. Giving them an answer is what he came for after these years and claim Ronnie's heart back. But the answers Joy has come back to give them is going to shatter their lives mostly affecting Ronnie.

The main characters are:

Ronnie : A 20 years old girl, living with Proset family since 7 years after her parents death.

Joy : The eldest of three sons of Mr. William Proset. He's 24 year old.

Parker : He's same as Ronnie, 20 years old. He's the second son of Mr. William Proset.

Ron : He's 18 years old. The smallest son of Mr. William Proset. His mother died two months after giving birth to him.

I really wanted to add more details to their character introduction, but that would spoil the whole fun of the story. So, the first chapter here... it comes.

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