Life Story

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We waited nervously in the waiting room of the hospital. My leg was shaking because of my anxiety. Aaliyah paced nervously back and forth with her hand on her chin. Michael sat next to me rubbing my back and making sure I was ok.

We waited for hours, and then finally a nurse came up to us. "Ms.Rogers, I'm nurse Cuddy". I quickly got up and shook her hand. "Hi, and please call me Jasmine" The nurse shook her head "ok Jasmine, well I have some good new and some bad news". I looked at her with a concerned face. Aaliyah and Michael both stood next to me and held my hands.

"The good news is that, we treated your mother just in time so she's in stable condition." I felt tears streaming down my face. I couldn't have been happier, I'm glade she's ok. "The bad news is that we need to keep her in the hospital because we think she suffered from a heart attack and is having seizure activity."

Suddenly I felt my world come crashing down, I should have told her to tell me the bad news first. My tears of joy turned into tears of sadness. "Is she going to be ok?" I asked about to break down. "Well that's why we're going to keep her under close observation so we can make sure she gets the proper the mean time you are under age, so do you have a parent or guardian that you can stay with?"

I wiped my tears, "I don't aunt is all the way in New Jersey and I don't really have family members in California". The nurse gave me a weird look. "I'm sorry but if you don't have a legal guardian to take care of you I'm going to have to call ACS and..." I quickly cut her off "No...My dad lives out here...I can stay with him."

Aaliyah gave me a wide eyed look. "I'm sorry can you give us a minute". Aaliyah asked the nurse while pushing me to the seats that were against the wall. The nurse shook her head and walked off hugging her clipboard.

"Jasmine have you lost your fucking mind, there is no way I'm letting you stay with your father after everything you been through with him". Aaliyah said whisper yelling at me. "What happened between you and your father?" Michael asked in curious tone.

Aaliyah gave me a strict look, "it's either you tell him or I will..." I rolled my eyes and wiped the tears off my face.

"My father is an abusive drug dealer, he beat on me and my mother while we lived with him and he didn't allow her to get a job because he knew that she would leave him, but obviously making money off drugs wasn't a stable job so he made her get a job with a crappy salary and he would beat her until she gave him all the money that she made."

I looked down at my feet and started to feel the tears form in my eyes again. "Finish..." Aaliyah demanded I looked up at the ceiling and took a deep breath.

"But while my mother was at work my father would beat on me ...then he started to touch me...I was only 8 years old and he made me do things that no 8 year old should ever have to do...and he would say to me "you're daddy's little girl and this is what daddy's little girl does" Michael looked angry at first and then he stared to tear up.

"So one day while my father was out selling drugs my mother told me to hurry up and pack my things, She had found a better job with the same hours so she wasn't giving him the full amount...she had been saving up so we could get away from him. She knew that he had kept all his money in a brown bag that was in the lamp by the tv. There was a hole in the bottom of it so she took the brown bag and there was over 10,000 dollars. It was the money he had saved up from drugs and the money that he was taking from my mother combined."

"Later that day we fled to the airport paying everything off in cash so he wouldn't trace us,but my mother ended up taking money out her credit card in the ATM machine when we got to California so he found out that we moved here...he just didn't know where...and ever since he's been here trying to hunt us down because we stole his money and he wants it back. My mother has done everything in her power to protect me...please don't think less of me or her".

Michael gave me a hug. "I will never think less of you, I'm so sorry you went through that". I hugged him tightly back. I broke down crying and Aaliyah joined our hug. "Girl you are so brave and strong, we're going to figure something out". Aaliyah said.

I knew staying at my fathers house was going to be difficult but Aaliyah was right I'm brave and strong...I'm not that weak little girl I once was, I can get through this and it's only a temporary stay...Right?

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