A Racsist

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We walked over to an Ice cream shop. It had the best soft serve. You can even add crazy toppings like caramel and gummy bears. Aaliyah and Michael got chocolate and Marlon and I got vanilla. I put Oreo pieces on mine with Marshmallows. Cookies and cream was my favorite ice cream but since they didn't have that I had to make it myself.

"Jasmine how can you put Marshmallows on Ice cream" Michael giggled. "Ask the person who invented rocky road" I said playfully rolling my eyes at him.  We all sat at a little round table eating our Ice cream. I looked out the window and saw a familiar face standing across the street. "Guys look it's that boy Prince from the talent show". Aaliyah quickly turned her head. "Yes oh my gosh, I'm going to go get him I want to be his friend".

I giggled at her jumping out her seat, she handed Marlon her cone and ran out the shop. Marlon rolled his eyes. "What is it with her and that boy? I saw him wearing high heels and hoop earrings but I've seen him flirt with girls". Michael patted his back. "Maybe that's his preference let him be you know Aaliyah likes you".

I quickly reassured Marlon too, "Yeah,Marlon you're all she ever talks about". We looked back out the window and Aaliyah was holding Princes hand and walking him toward the ice cream shop. "Why is she holding his hand?" Marlon said with his face turning red. Aaliyah came walking through the door. "Look who I got" she said smiling and standing there.

I gave Aaliyah strict looks, darting my eyes between Marlon who was sitting there furious and her hand which was intertwined with Princes hand. She quickly let go. "Hey, I know all of you" he said smiling.  "Where are my manners" he said walking over to me holding his hand out. I thought he was going to give me a firm handshake but instead he kissed the top of my hand while looking deep in my eyes. "Jasmine right....you're very beautiful".

My face turned bright red, "Thank you Prince".  I noticed Michael giving him a pretty hard stare. "Um Prince, this is my boyfriend Michael". Michael stood up from his seat and reached over my head to give him a hand shake. "Boyfriend? You're very lucky to have such a beautiful Liberian girl". Michael's stare got more intense. "how did you know that I was Liberian".

Prince stared at Michael intensely back before answering my question

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Prince stared at Michael intensely back before answering my question. It was like they had natural tension between them as if they had some kind of rivalry or something. "Just trust me I know".  Aaliyah stepped in. "Prince this is my boyfriend Marlon". Marlon continued to look out the window to hide the fact that he was mad. "It's nice to meet you too Marlon" Prince Said sarcastically.

Marlon stood up pushing his chair back. "You got some nerve trying to talk to me when your garden gnome sized ass was just holding my girls hand". Michaels intense stare turned into a shocked one. I sat there with my chin in my lap. I never knew Marlon was so protective.

Prince didn't flinch or step back he just laughed. "Why are you so mad?" Marlon slammed his hands On to the table. "Because you can't just walk up in here trying to flirt with our girlfriends". 

"That's enough, Marlon sit your ass down, Jasmine pick your mouth up off the floor, and Michael fix your face, Prince I'm so sorry I don't know what has gotten into him".  Aaliyah just put all of us in our places we all looked around at each other as if we had just gotten a reality check.

Prince handed Aaliyah and I a piece of paper. "Here's my number". He winked at us and walked to the door. He held it open and looked at Marlon and Michael. "Y'all some tight mother fuckers". He then walked out. Marlon and Michael snatched the paper out of our hands and rip them up.

I sat on Michael's lap and kissed him. "You have noting to worry about...ever" he smiled at me. "I'm sorry for being so pro...." I quickly cut him off, "don't apologize I love how much you care for me."

I look across the table and Marlon and Aaliyah were making out. "They made up fast huh?" Michael and I started giggling.  "Look, there's a candy store across the street let's go". Michael threw me off his lap and grabbed my hand and ran out the Ice cream shop. He was such a kid at heart and I loved it. I let Michael run across the street to the candy store.

I tapped the glass to try to get Aaliyah and Marlon's attention but they were to busy eating each other. I walk back into the shop and tap the both of them. "Helloooo love birds, let's go"  the broke there kiss and walked out the shop with me. I walked across the street and heard "HELP, SOMEBODY" come from inside the candy store. I look through the window and see a white man kicking someone in a red jacket.

"MICHAEL!!!" I yell. I ran inside the store with Aaliyah and Marlon right behind me. The man was kicking Michael in his stomach and kicking his head. Without hesitation I push the man as hard as I could and he stumbled back. "What the fuck is wrong with you". I bent down and Michael was crying curled up holding his stomach. 

"Oh great more of your kind....This mother fucking was stealing a candy bar" The man said. Aaliyah came beside me and we both rolled Michael over, he had a lot of scratches on his face, a busted up lip and a bruise on his cheek. "Jasmine I didn't steal anything I swear." He managed to say in a low raspy tone. He groaned in pain. "I'm going to go get my car, he needs to go to the hospital" Aaliyah sprinted towards the door and down the block.

Marlon grabbed the man by the neck of his shirt, "I know my brother, he had never and will never steal anything from anyone my brother is a lover not a fighter". The man pushed Marlon "Get off me you fucking N..." Marlon punched the man in the face before he could even say the word.

"I don't condone violence but you will respect my family, my people, my background, my history...it's people like you who stop the world from seeing people as they truly are not by the color of there skin but as a character. The color of my skin should not determine anything." The man laid on the floor holding his nose which was bleeding. Marlon helped me pick Michael up. He was in so much pain, he was hunched over holding his stomach.

Aaliyah pulled up outside and we brought Michael into the car and drove him to the hospital.

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