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"What do you mean you won't be home until The start of junior year". I said on the phone talking to Michael. "I'm so sorry Jasmine but after winning all those Grammys I've had a lot of opportunities come up and I can't turn them down...Pepsi wants me to star in a commercial for them." He said and I can tell he was excited. " Michael I'll never stand in the way of your career I'm so proud of you but please don't lie to me anymore".

He sighed on the phone "Jasmine I was afraid to tell you, I didn't want the same situation I had with Brooke to happen with you, I really love you" he said in the saddest tone. "Michael I love you too and I'm not Brooke I don't love you for your money you know this" I had to reassure him.

"I'm sorry Jasmine I know you're nothing like Brooke and about her sitting next to me...that wasn't my choice her family Always sat next to mine at the Grammys, I wasn't happy about it but I had to deal with it." Michael was never the one to lie and I trusted him, and now that he told millions of people that were watching the Grammys that I was his girlfriend I had even more faith in him.

The door bell rang and I looked over at Aaliyah who was resting on the couch. "Hey baby I have to go someone is at the door, I love you". I waited for him to say it back before hanging up. I opened the door and my father who was in the black hoodie stood there staring at me. "It's time to come back home and be daddy's little girl again." He knocked me to the floor and wrapped his hands tight around my neck. I gasped for air while trying to get his hands from around my neck.

I suddenly heard a huge shatter and his grip around my neck loosened, he then fell on to the floor unconscious. Aaliyah helped me up and was checking to make sure I was ok. "How did this maniac get in here?" She asked. I put my head down, "I thought it was Prince again so I just opened the door but it was him."

"Is he dead?" I asked. Aaliyah kicked him and he groaned. "Sadly not" she said rolling her eyes. I looked on the floor to see a shattered vase scattered everywhere. Aaliyah walked to the kitchen and grabbed the pan.

*DONG...DONG...DONG* she hit him in the head three times and I quickly grabbed the pan. "Stop you're going to kill him and we don't need to be on a murder case.

She kicked him again and he groaned, "give me that" she said as she took the pan out of my hand. *DING* she hit him once more and he was out cold. Aaliyah put the pan on the floor and grabbed his arms. "Don't just stand there grab his feet and help me". I quickly got out of my state of shock and helped her.

"Where are we taking him?" I said struggling to carry him. "To my car, we're going to take him back to his house".  She dropped him on the floor and decided to drag him. "Aaliyah he's bleeding all over the floor." I said dropping his feet. "How is he bleeding all I did was whack his ass with the pan". Aaliyah said pointing at his head.

"You dragged him over the broken vase his back must be bleeding". I said, she groaned and slapped her hand on her face. My father started to groan and Aaliyah kicked him in his head "shut up".

We managed to get to the car and I grabbed my keys and locked the door to make sure that no one saw the blood on the floor. "Don't get blood on my back seat" Aaliyah screamed at me. "I'm trying...he's heavy". We managed to lay him on his stomach in the back seat. We drove back to his house where we carelessly dragged him out the car. I looked under the mat and found the spare key.

When we got inside Aaliyah dragged him in and dropped him. She grabbed a sharpie and wrote "Rapist" on his forehead. "I hope he has trouble getting that off". She said to herself. I ran into his room to try to find anything in connection to Brooke.

"Aaliyah look what I found!" I yelled from the other room. She came running inside. "What is it". I turned around holding Brooke's jacket. "She was here".

Aaliyah covered her mouth in shock, "this bitch is nasty". She said and I couldn't help but laugh. Aaliyah's eyes travel the room then stopped at the corner. "Jasmine is that a camera?" I looked in the corner and sure enough it was a tiny black camera in the shape of a box.

Aaliyah ran out the room and started juggling all the door knobs in the house. "What are you doing?" I asked. Aaliyah found the locked door and turned to me. "I think it's time to get pay back". She pulled a Bobby pin out of her hair and managed to unlock the door with it.

"You need to teach me that" I said amazed as we walked into the room. There was nothing but tv screens. Aaliyah searched the room and found a box full of tapes. "Jaz look..." she said. I looked inside the box and the tapes had names and ages on them all which were under age girls. One of them even had my name on it and I started tearing up.

"Ahh found it". Aaliyah said holding up a tape with Brooke's name on it. She popped it in and rewinds it.
"Jasmine look at the date". It was from 4 weeks ago.

"So she's not pregnant with Marlon's baby because they had sex at the party with him about a month ago. She would have known by then, and the way she told us it seems like she just found out". I said

Aaliyah takes the tape out and puts it back in the box. "She's a disgusting liar...she probably only did that to get near you and Michael". 

" I got you". My father said pulling Aaliyah back. He put his arm around her neck and started to strangle her. I ran out the room and grabbed a knife from the kitchen. I ran back in and stabbed him in the crease of his leg and I twisted it so that it would do more damage. Aaliyah dropped to the floor trying to catch her breath.

My father laid on the floor bleeding and panicking about the knife sticking out his leg. "Jasmine I thought you just left me". I helped her up, "I would never leave you because you wouldn't leave me". She hugged me and I never felt so happy to hug her.

"I'm going to kill both you I swear ahhhh". Aaliyah kicked him in the nuts "shut up" She said.  She grabbed the box of tapes off the floor, "I'll take these and if you ever hurt or stalk my best friend again I'll put you in jail". She confidently walked out and put them in her car.

"Jasmine help a good girl" I rolled my eyes at him and kicked him in the nuts. "I'll never be your girl, I belong to Michael now" I said flashing the necklace at him. I walked out the room and he was screaming at me. "You ungrateful bitch after everything I did for you". I ignored everything he said. I was about to walk out but I turned and glanced over at the lamp. I did just what my mother did years ago...and slammed it against the floor.

There was a big brown bag and when I looked inside of was just as I hoped...all the money he saved up.

I got into Aaliyah's car and we drove off and I've never felt so bad ass.

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