Black Hoodie

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Aaliyah and I walked into the school talking about everything that happened. "Marlon was the sweetest with my mom...she really likes him...but girl you have to tell me what happened with you and Michael". "Everything went amazing...he's so good at....". Once again everyone was staring at me and whispering but this time everyone was holding a piece of paper. "Jasmine you need to look at this".

Aaliyah handed me a piece of paper off of one of the lockers. I looked around before taking it and this thing was taped up on every locker in the school. When I looked at it, it was a picture of Michael and I kissing in his room. Our figures looked like black shadows so people couldn't see much but the background was definitely his room. "What the fuck...someone was watching us".

"So I guess this means you don't have to go into detail about it". Aaliyah said looking at the paper. I looked at her and strangled her inside my head. I walked up to the lockers and started ripping the pictures off of them. When I got to my locker And opened it, A piece of paper fell out of it and onto the floor. "Ugh what the fuck is this now". I said. I picked it up and opened it and Aaliyah peeked over my shoulder. It was a picture of me... "you sucked his dick you kinky bitch". Aaliyah said smiling and grabbing the paper from my hand to study it.

I shouldn't have laughed but I couldn't help but giggle. Even in the worst situations Aaliyah made me laugh. "Um Jasmine look at this..." she said handing the paper back to me. I grabbed it and saw writing on the back.

" I warned you to stay away from him...If you don't I'll ruin your life and his".

I rolled my eyes, "ughhhhh" I yelled and everyone in the hallway looked at me. "What the hell are y'all looking at". Everyone quickly darted their eyes back to what they were doing. Aaliyah rubbed my back. "It's ok....and where's Michael?" I rubbed the sides of my head. "He stayed home today, he said something about wanting to relax".

Brooke and Amber walked up to me and smiled. "Well well well look at the little slut of the school banging my ex boyfriend". I rolled my eyes "I know you did this Brooke". She gave me a sarcastically shocked face, "who me? I could never...but just know that I warned you". She pushed her shoulder into mine and walked away. Amber looked back at me with a sad face but then quickly looked forward.

"We need to tell Michael..." Aaliyah said closing my locker. The bell rang and the halls cleared out. I put my head on her shoulder and started to cry. She hugged me and rubbed my back. "Don't pay attention to her she's jealous." I looked up at her "I just want to go home" I said wiping my tears.

Aaliyah walked down the hall taking down all the papers that she could see and shoved them into her bag. "We're going to take these and show them to Michael and then burn them" Aaliyah said. I sniffled "I don't want to show him". She put her hand on my shoulder.

"You want to have an honest relationship with him right?" I nodded my head. "Then you need to tell him everything that's going on because I know how you're going to end up distancing yourself from him and I know how much you love him".

Aaliyah knew me so well and I knew that she was right about having to tell him. She walked me out the school and that's when we saw Brooke talking to the man in the black hoodie. I pulled Aaliyah into a near by bush and we ease dropped onto there conversation.

"Thanks so much for getting me those pictures" Brooke said while handing the man a whole bunch of cash. "Just let me know if you need me to do anything else". He said. That voice....sounded familiar. Aaliyah whispered into my ear, "Jaz isn't that your father". I squinted my eyes to look hard and it was. "What the fuck is she doing with my father". I said whisper yelling, Aaliyah put her hand over my mouth.

"Are we still going through with our other plan?" My father asked her. Brooke nodded her head. "I have everything set up, just remember don't kill her...yet". My heart stopped, "She...she wants me dead...All because I'm dating Michael?" Aaliyah told me to shush.

"This is payback from her stealing my money, she's daddy's little girl and if I can't have her no one can" he said getting hot in his face. "Mr.Rogers you're a sick fuck and I like let's go back to my house so we can properly set this plan up". Brooke said running her hand down my fathers chest and grabbing his bulge.

"Aaliyah, did she just...I'm going to be sick". I said sarcastically. "Girl you better hold it in because ew...but I knew Brooke was a dirty hoe". Aaliyah said giggling and climbing out of the bush. "She better not be screwing my dad that would be some fucked up shit". I said climbing out after her and brushing myself off.

We went back to Michael's house and ran upstairs into his room. "MICHAEL!!!" We both screamed at the same time while bursting through the door. Michael looked up at us, he was sitting on the side of his bed. "Hey baby, Hey Aaliyah" he said. He held his arms out and I walked over to him to kiss him.

"Michael so much happened today" Aaliyah said fishing the picture out of her bag and handing it to Michael. Michael pulled me onto his lap and we both sat there looking at it. "Is this us?" He asked calmly. I shook my head furiously, " yes it's us Brooke put these on all the lockers in the school". Michael surprisingly didn't freak out.

"I'll have my father talk to the school" he said calmly. "So that's it? You're not pissed off or angry". He shook his head "no it's just Brooke being the meanie she is". I squinted my eyes at him and felt his forehead. "Are you sick?". I asked, he giggled and kissed me.

Aaliyah and I told him about Brooke talking to my father and Michael was disgusted and started to get upset because he was concerned for my safety but I'm sure I'll be ok.

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