Young friend

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Rose's POV

I quickly wake up and it seems to me about the middle of the night when I heard someone calling me, not my name just calling me, I look over to the door and I'm surprised to see the little girl from earlier, Emma, standing there.

"Are you alright?" I heard Emma say quietly. I could finally stand up so I did and walked over to the door and sat down.
"Yeah I'm alright, are you ok? Why did you come down to see me?" I say, also quietly knowing if we alert someone we would both be in A lot of trouble.
"I want to help you, my dad has tried to make me do things I don't want to but when I don't he tells me off A lot, I just want to help you get out" her voice trembles as she talks, I put my arm out of the bars on the door and put my hand on her shoulder to comfort her.
"I'm sure I can think of A way to get out myself don't worry,"
"But no one has made it out of here alive," A tear slips from her eye and she quickly wipes it away.
"Hey, it's alright, don't worry," I say rubbing my hand up and down her arm as she sits down as well. "Do you know how they all died?"
"It's the dolls, he hurts them and sometimes it can kill them. That's why he scanned you, he makes dolls that are the same as people, and because they are the same they feel the same pain. The only time they haven't worked is when someone broke their arm while in this cell. So the doll was different from them."
"Do you know where he put the doll of me?" I ask still comforting her
"No, he makes sure I'm not In the room when he hides then. He knows I know all of this is something bad to do. I'm sorry I can't help," she says again
"It's not your fault, are you allowed to go outside at any point?"
"Yes but not for long, and I'm not allowed to go far."
"If you want to help me try and find A man and if he looks like he is trying to find someone just tell him where I am, and when you tell him to call me Rose, I think that's the best thing you could do, but also tell him to be careful because like you said them dolls and kill people."
"Is your name Rose?" She asks me
"Yes, it is" I smile back at her.
"that's A really nice name."
"Thanks, Emma is A nice name too." She smiles at me waiting for me to ask the next question.
"So what do you do all day? Do you help your dad?" She nods at me
"And I don't go to school, they told me I need to teach myself and if I don't or can't they tell me off and hurt me. I can't even read or write, I really want to learn how to read and write though." She starts to cry but somehow she doesn't make A sound. I suddenly freeze and thought.
"What year is it?" I ask while comforting her again. She wipes away a few tears before answering.
"2010" I smile and thought 'this isn't in the past or future, this is happening in the normal year.' I then look back up at her and she is the first to speak.
"I need to go now, sometimes my mum comes in and checks on me at night." She then stands up and I let go of her arm
"Bye," I say as she walks away, she then turns around just at the stairs leading into the main house and waves. And then again I'm all by myself, so I decided to go back to sleep.

The doctor's POV

It was becoming light again and still hadn't found where Rose went. I'd looked pretty much everywhere now, and I haven't heard her shouting again either. I started to feel worried but somewhere inside of me I knew she is still alive, but then I remembered the TARDIS might be able to find her so I quickly run back to the TARDIS. It was then when I realized how far I had walked to find her, it took me almost 5 minutes to run back. When the TARDIS was in my sight I started to slow down and walk, it was much lighter now, I could easily see into the distance now. It had been about 7 hours since Rose was taken away from me. I opened the TARDIS doors and quickly ran over to the controls and pulled the screen around so I can look at it. Then I tried to find where Rose was.

'Identity not found'

I had to first think what the means but then I realized it was because the TARDIS had no DNA of her. I turn around and remember she left her jumper on the railing before she opened the doors earlier. I took that and put it into the box the TARDIS had ready for me and then the box went back into the controls.


I waited for about 5 seconds and then it came up with a map of the whole town from a birds-eye view. The map was in grey and the places Rose had been was dark red, I followed the path of where she went, but before I could see where she was now the screen went black and the TARDIS started to move, I quickly tried to land the TARDIS but it didn't work.
"Takes us back now," I demanded still flicking levers and pressing buttons but nothing else happened
"Take us back now! I need to save her." I shouted, but still, nothing happened. But then the TARDIS stopped and I looked at the screen again

'Date: unknown'
'Time: 6am,'
'Location: Colorado, USA'
'Year: 2010'
'How far from the last place: 100 miles'

I looked at it for a few minutes, the TARDIS never tells me this information, so why is it telling me now. It seemed to me that it just took me 100 miles away, same time, same date, but why. Then I thought 'exactly 100 miles away, but why 100 miles exactly' But instead I walked outside to see if there was anything particular around here, but no, just a green field. I walked back in and closed the doors and walked back over to the controls and thought why would of the TARDIS of brought me here. I tried to go back to where we last were but it refused to land and took me back to where we were.
"Why won't you land!" I ask starting to get annoyed but all I get in response is the screen in front of me with only one bit of information
'How far from the last place: 100 miles'
I knew it must have been trying to tell me something since it never tells me this information, '100 miles exactly' then it came to me what has happened.

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