Take her to the TARDIS

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Rose's POV

As we both help Emma up she cried out a little in pain but she was on her feet and walking with support from me and the doctor.
"Does it still hurt when you walk now?" The doctor asks her.
"A little yeah," she replies standing still. We both wait as she stands waiting for the pain to go.
"Do you want me to put your arm in a better position?" The doctors said while kneeling down in front of her. She nods but before he did anything to her he warned her it might hurt a little.
"It might hurt as I move it but it's a better position to have it in." Emma nods and holds my hand tighter.

He moves her arm into the position like she had a sling on.
"Keep your arm like that while I get someone to keep it in place." He says while standing up. I kneel down in front of Emma as she looked into my eyes. She gently hugged me and I hugged her back also being careful of her arm.
"Thank you for saving me." She whispers against my shoulder.
"I found this, I could try and put it around you like a sling to keep it in place till we get to the TARDIS." The doctor called out as he walked back into the room. We break from the hug so the doctor can put the bigger cloth he found around her.

After about 2 minutes the doctor manages to get her arm in a better position.
"How does that feel? Any better." The Doctor asks Emma.
"Much better, thank you," she says quietly and nods. We both keep Emma steady as she is getting weaker from blood loss.

As we get downstairs Emma sees what happened and the 2 bodies on the floor. She gasps and looks at us.
"What happened?" She asks as her voice trembles.
"We don't know yet, that's what we need to come back and investigate," I say while kneeling down next to her to comfort her. She seemed to be in a daydream for a few seconds before tears started to form in her eyes.
"Don't worry it's alright," I say pulling her into a hug being careful of her arm. She sobs into my shoulder for about a minute before pulling away and looking at me.
"That means I have no family left. Everyone else died before I was born." She says while looking down at the ground. I looked up at the doctor as he looks at the body's and then looks at me and gives me a sad smile.
"We need to get you to the TARDIS before anything happens," I tell her while wiping away her tears. She nods and we walk through the kitchen.

The doctor opens the door and the TARDIS was just outside the house.
"Is this the TARDIS?" Emma asks looking up at me. I nod as the doctor goes and opens the door. I take her in as the doctor directs us to the medical room.
"This is so big," Emma says as we walk to the medical room.
"Bigger on the inside," I say to her. As we reached the medical room the doctor opens the door and takes us in. I gently lift Emma up and sat her on the bed.
"Rose can take her bandage off while I get some things." The doctor asks me while looking around on shelves and cupboards.

I untied the knot that was keeping the sling in place and took the cloth off her shoulder, revealing the deep wound. Emma tried looking around at the wound on her shoulder but I turned her head to look back at me.
"Is it bad?" She asks me. At first, I didn't know what to say.
"Don't worry about it. It will get better." I say to her trying to make her feel better. She nods at me and I sit down next to her.
"How long will it take for it to get better?" She said while looking up at me.
"It depends, it might take one month or it might take a year," I say as the doctor walks over to us.
"Can I wash the cut and bandage it back up?" he asks Emma. she nods in response. He sits down on the other side of her, the side where the wound is. He wipes the cut with some wipes and then puts another cloth on it. She gripped onto my arm and I rubbed her back confirming her.
"It will be clean in a minute don't worry," I tell her
"It hurts," she says still gripping onto my arm.
"it will be done in a minute."

As the doctor finish cleaning her wound he puts a bandage on it and blood was already starting to show up on the bandage as he was putting it around her shoulder and her upper arm.
"Could you get me that's sling over there?" The doctor asks me pointing over to where there was a sling. I stood up and grabbed it giving it to the doctor while he just finished bandaging her arm. The bandage was only above her elbow but it still needed to be kept in one place. He put the sling around her and put her arm in it.
"There we go, all done." The doctor said while standing back. I help Emma down from the bed and she hugs the doctor. He knelt down and hugged her properly.
"Thank you," she said.
"Anytime, now what do you want to do?"
"Can we go back and try and find out what happened?" She asked. The doctor nods and stands up. I smile and thought maybe the doctor would let Emma stay with us after all. I follow them as they walk out of the room and we made our way to the TARDIS doors and we walk back into the house.

"So we have 2 body's, but how did they die?" the doctor said to himself. Emma walks over to the kitchen workspace. I knelt down next to Emma's dad and saw an injection tube next to his hand like he had let go of it and it dolls out of his hand. I picked up the tube and read the label
"Deadly" I sighed quietly and stood up and showed the doctor.
"This might of been what they used," I said, but before the doctor could answer Emma spoke
"The doll? It didn't work, why? The only one time I didn't work was when someone broke their arm after the doll was made, so that means there was a change to that person." We both walked over and saw the doll of me on the workspace.
"It did work before. I know it did because it woke me up that night." I said and squeeze the hand of the doll gently, but I felt nothing, it was like the doll never had worked.
"Let's just be glad it didn't work," the doctor says and puts his sonic screwdriver to the doll and the sonic screwdriver made the same buzzing noise it always does. "Can't chance it suddenly working again. There we go, definitely won't be working any time soon." He said while putting it back down on the workspace.

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