Don't take them off!

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Rose's POV

At this point, I had been awake for a while. I don't really know what woken me up this time. I sat up with my back against the wall the chain for the shackles were tied to. All I could hear was the wind outside, no one talking which did scare me a little.

I held up my wrist with the shackles on to look at it and it seems the cut on my wrist was getting worst. I tried thinking of ways to get them of my wrist and I also tried to take the shackles off again but it didn't work.

When I looked over there was some food in the middle of the cell floor. I tried and reached out to grab the tray it was on and luckily I could just about reach it. I took the bread and ate it and then carried on trying to set myself free. I tried pretty much everything I could but still nothing. I also tried picking the lock with my nails then remembered there is really no point trying to get out of these unless I can escape now. If I was seen with them taken off Emma's dad would just put them back on me.

Then I heard the door opened and started to wonder who it was. Emma wouldn't come down when her parents are still awake. I quickly stop trying to pick the lock and waited a few seconds before someone appeared at the door. It was Emma's dad.

"What are you trying to do!" He looked at me with suspicion.
"Nothing much, not like I can do much anyway is it." He gave me a glare of disbelief.
"You have been making a lot of noise this morning with them." He says while pointing at the shackles around my wrist. I looked at my wrists and then looked back at him
"it's physically cutting my wrists what do you expect me to do? just let it cut my wrists and making the cuts bigger and bigger each day!" He looks at me smugly before answering.
"that's kind of the point whys it's so tight, you disobey the rules you pay the consequences,"
"I wasn't told any rules, so how am I meant to know the rules" I argued back
"You don't need to be told the rules, you should know the rules."
"Why should I know them," I say with a little more confidence.
"Why do you think, you're imprisoned. that's like saying you need to be told not to try and escape prison, it's obvious isn't it."
"But you can still talk to people when you're in prison so basically not talking to people isn't a rule, so I have all the rights to talk to people." He looked me at and thought before answering.
"well it's one of my rules not to talk to anyone, and even so Emma doesn't talk to anyone so clearly you got her speaking to you."
"no, she came up to and spoke to me first, I wasn't even planning on talking to anyone," I argue back also standing up with my back against the wall, that's all I could do I could hardly walk anywhere with the shackles on.
"But why would she talk to you, are you more special than anyone else. why would she choose you to talk to," I shrug and decide not to answer and look down. "why would she talk to you then!" he shouted at me.
"how am I meant to know, I'm just a normal girl I guess."

He then walks out of the room and shouts for Emma. A worry flys over me, I don't know what he's going to do to her. I anxiously bite my lip as Emma walks into the room with her mum grabbing her arm.
"now then Emma did you first talk to this girl" I felt a rush of anxiety run through me as Emma looked up at her dad. She just looked at him and said nothing and then looked back down at the ground.
"Emma!" he shouted at her, she then looked up and still didn't say anything. If the doctor was here he would tell me how she was a little stubborn like I can be at times. I quickly snap out of the daydream and then looked up.
"Im giving you one last chance," He shouted at her holding up the one thing I didn't want to see, it was the doll of me. I looked over at Emma and she looked at me and I could see the fear in her eyes.
"did you come and talk to her," he said one last time.
"yes" Emma replied quietly but loud enough so people could hear her, I could also hear the fear in her voice as she spoke. His dad looked at her in shock as he put the doll away. I sat back down and looked up at the ceiling.
"And why did you do that then, you don't talk to anyone you're too shy to talk to anyone like you just proved a minute ago. Not talking to me." I looked back at Emma and she looked around the room trying to figure out what to say and then she looked back at her dad. She looked back at him and replied quietly
"I don't know," she said and instantly looked down like she knew what was going to happen. I really wanted to help her but I didn't know how to, I was chained up on the other side of the cell I couldn't move far. Her dad then grabbed her and pulled her away and her mum followed, it was just like they forgot I was here,

I led down waiting to see if Emma made a sound after but she didn't and that scared me even more. I started to feel tired so I decided to try and sleep but all I could think of was Emma, I haven't heard anyone since she was taken away. I kept trying to listen out for any sounds from people in the house but I heard nothing. Then I slowly fell asleep.

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