Somethings wrong

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The Doctor's POV

While I was making a few changes to the TARDIS controls when I realised Rose had been in her room pretty much all day. I walked over to her room and then I noticed the door is locked. So I knocked. There were A few seconds silents before she answers "Yeah?"

"Rose what up? It's not like you to be locked in your room all day?"
"I'm fine doctor, I'll be out in a minute." I could hear her voice slightly trembling like she has been crying and I know something was wrong.
"Come on Rose, at least let me in and we can talk about whatever's wrong"
"I'm fine doctor, really, I will be out in a few minutes, I promise" I sighed knowing I'm was not going to get an answer to what's wrong any time soon so I decided to leave her and let her tell me in her own time.

"Ok, don't be long with what your doing, I have an adventure planned."
"Ooo I love it when you pick adventures." She sounded more excited.
"It's more of a job that needs doing but I still class it as an adventure"
"Anywhere we go together is an adventure" Rose replied sounding more excited than she first was when I knocked on her door.
"So don't take too long with what you're doing."

I walked back to the control room and finished off the last little bit of the changes I was doing before I went to see if Rose was alright. After about 5 minutes of fixing up the controls I heard Rose's door unlock and open, she came and sat down on the bench and watched me while I appeared from under the controls and stood up and I went to sit down next to her on the bench. She looked at me and smiles but says nothing and I knew she was still hiding something, but she seemed more scared.

"So what's up?" I said while putting my hand around her. She jumped and then intertwined her hand with my hand.
"Nothing. I'm fine." She then immediately looked away and looked down.

"Come on Rose, I can see something is wrong, you can tell me anything."
"I said I'm alright doctor" she started to sound a little annoyed now.
"and I know something is wrong, just tell me what's up," But she quickly changed the subject.

"So where were you planning on taking us?" She asked excitedly still not making eye contact with me. At first, I thought about not letting her change the subject but I answered her question and decided to ask her again later, maybe she will be ready then.
"Go and take a look outside yourself. We're already here." I smiled. She walked over to the doors and took off her jumper she was wearing and puts it on the railing next to the door and opened the TARDIS doors.

"A spooky adventure," I said walking over to her and putting my hand on her shoulder.
"What country is this?" she askes turning around and looking at me.
"Colorado, USA, deep in the countryside," I say looking outside
"Very very deep into the countryside, it looks like," Rose said looking around outside as well.

"An abandoned town," I said when she stopped looking around.
"Why was it abandoned?" Rose asked looking off into the distance.
"Someone scared them all away, everyone left or died. But if they left they probably died as well since there isn't a town anywhere near here."
"If they died then how? Not the ones who ran away"
"That's what we are here to find out, it's not a big town so it should be easy, and like I said all the other towns around it are so far away that they won't have time to run, the closest town is like 50 miles away" Rose looked at me and smiled then grabbed my hand as we stepped outside.

"Is there any clues or any ideas what the person we are looking for looks like?" Rose said while looking around.
"Nope, all we have to go off on is- well nothing at all" Rose then looked back at me and smiles to say 'This isn't going to be easy' It was cold, dark and A little creepy but we had to find out what happened to all the people in this little town. But it was not long till we realized we were not the only ones in this town and not the only ones who were on this road. I look over to Roes while she looks around.

"This place gives me the creeps it is so, well, abandoned," she said while looking over at me. I smile at her and she smiles back.
"Better get to work then, before something happens to one of us like what happened to everyone else" I smile at her and she smiles back also looking A little scared. She then squeezes my hand.

"I won't let anything happen to you, don't worry, and if anything did I would come looking for you," I say to her to try and make her less scared. She smiles at me before answering.
"I would do the same, your my doctor and I can't do A single thing without you." I then smile back as she pulls me into A hug.

We quickly break away from the hug when we both hear a noise and we both know we are not alone. I look around but can't see much seen as it was pitch black. I held Rose close to me as we both look around again, but yet again we both see nothing. She pulls away from me a little to walk down the road so I follow her not letting her out of my sight and our hands still connected.

"What is it?" I ask A little concerned about what she was trying to do.
"Trying to find the person who is making sounds or caught them off guard." She said quickly turning around hoping to find someone behind us but no one is there, it's like the sounds are just in our heads, but we both know it's not, we both know someone is here with us and we need to find them before anything else happens.

She starts to slow down and I'm more in front of her now. We have been walking around for about 10 minutes now.
"Whats up?" I ask she looks up at me
"I'm just a little bit tired that's all, I didn't sleep well last night, I don't know why though." I smile at her and looked forward we carry on walking.

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