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The doctors POV

I look behind me back at the body's and saw a gun on the floor. I went over and picked it up.
"A two-shot pistol," I said while inspecting the gun.
"So what could have happened?" Rose asks me.
"Looks like he shot Emma with one shot but didn't kill her but shot her mum with the other shot and did kill her, then used that deadly injection thing on himself," I said while looking around. "There isn't much we can do here now, we work out what happened."
"Back to the TARDIS, I'm guessing?" Rose asks as Emma holds on to her hand. I nod and walked over to the door.
"So am I basically starting a new life?" I heard Emma say.
"Yeah, although I know it would be a better life than before," Rose replied while giving her a hug.
"Where will I live now?" Emma asked against Rose's shoulder. Rose looked at me and I smiled and nodded in response. I walk over to them and put my hand on Emma's shoulder.
"You can stay live with us?" I say.
She looks me in the eye and smiles.
"Can I?" She asks while letting go of Rose and smiled. I nod and she quickly hugs me. I look at Rose and she smiles.
"back to the TARDIS then?" Rose asked while looking at Emma. She nodded excitedly and we all go back to the TARDIS. The sun was just coming up when we left the house and enters the TARDIS.

"Rose there is a spare room down that corridor, you can make that room into Emma room. I'm sure the TARDIS will show you what room." I say while we enter the TARDIS. Rose nods and takes Emma down the corridor and enters the room. I walk to the controls and pressed a few buttons and looked at the screen.
"Loading..." I looked at it confused and remember I forgot to power off the scan I was going to do on Rose earlier. I make a mental note to scan her later just in case anything happened when the TARDIS was struck by lighting. I shut the scanner down for now and went to Emma's new room. I opened the door and Emma was already nearly asleep and Rose was telling her story's. I gently closed the door not wanting to disturb them.

After about 30 minutes Rose came out of the room and back to the control room, I was playing around with the switch's and buttons when she came and sat down on the bench. I pressed one more button and then spoke.
"What kind of story's were you telling her?" I asked curiously.
"Some of the adventures we have been on," she said with a smile.
"What ones? We have been on so many now."
"Like when we went to new new york and also when we met Jack for the first time in World War Two with all of the gas mask zombies," I smiled and checked the screen again.
"Scanning..." I pressed one more button and sat down next to Rose.
"The TARDIS needs to do a scan on you just to make sure everything is ok with you after lighting stuck you and the TARDIS," I said feeling like I needed to tell her what was going on. Rose then instantly looked scared but I could tell she was trying to hide it. "What's up?"
"Nothing," she says
"Rose tell me what's wrong, you haven't been yourself for the last week and I can tell your hiding something," I tell her while putting my arm around her shoulder trying to comfort her. But she doesn't say anything so I try asking her again. "Come on Rose, I know something wrong." But she shakes her head and I now know she is hiding something and I think she knows I know as well. The TARDIS pings to say the scan was finished.
"Let's check on how you're doing them." I stand up walking over to the screen. I press a few buttons to get the results.
"Loading..." As it was loading Rose stands up and waits to see the results as well. She holds my hand as we wait and I could tell she was scared to see the results.

There was nothing wrong although one thing came up on the screen and now I understood why Rose was so scared to tell me what was wrong.
"Pregnant.  5 weeks" Rose looks down seeming ashamed so I pull her into a hug trying to comfort her.
"Rose why didn't you just tell me." She doesn't say any and she quickly turns around and hugs me back. We stayed in a hug for a while before I spoke again. "Rose-,"
"I didn't know how to tell you, and I've only known for the last few days, the TARDIS gave me a test," she says and pulls out of the hug and looks me in the eye, "I was too scared to tell you, I thought you would be mad." Her voice trembles as a tear rolled down her cheek.
"Why would you think I would be mad. I could never be mad at you." I say. She smiles at me and wipes the tears from her eyes. She quickly hugs me again. She cries into my shoulder as I comfort her.
"Hey, it's alright, what's so bad about having children?" I asked. She shakes her head before she spoke.
"It's not I don't want children, im just scared something bad will happen, or other people might be mad-," I quickly stop her and looked her in the eye.
"Rose listen, nothing bad will happen, and im sure people will be happy for you. Just stop worrying about it all."
"But you know my mum can be about stuff like this," she says as her voice trembles again.
"Im sure Jackie would be happy." I then thought quickly. "and how did this happen, you haven't been with anyone else for the last few weeks and we haven't-," But Rose quickly stop me.
"I don't know, that's what scares me more," I then thought for a few seconds and spoke up.
"Where were we 5 weeks ago?" I ask
"New New York," She replied
"Something must have happened then," I paused and thought again.
"That's why the doll didn't work, the baby must have moved and even if it was the slightest movement it still changed your body a little and the doll was no longer connected to you," I said but then the TARDIS then hummed at us and we both quickly looked at the screen.
"TimeLord children"
"So your definitely the dad," Rose says with a smile. But I quickly thought and looked
"Children? don't you mean child?" I asked the TARDIS and looked at Rose. The TARDIS hummed and the screen switched off.
"what does it mean by children?" She asks looking up at me.
"probably just an error."
"We should probably tell my mum tomorrow shouldn't we?" she asks quietly.
"We can go and see her tomorrow and tell her, and also tell her about Emma," I say putting my arm around her. She yawned and puts her head on my shoulder.
"Tired?" I ask her. She giggles a little and takes her head off my shoulder.
"Yeah." I look at the time on the TARDIS
'00:47' it was a lot later than I first thought.
"Off to bed then," I say. She nods and walks off down the corridor to her bedroom. I turn the TARDIS screen back on. I wanted to try and find out why it told us, children. But for once I was kind of tired so I decided to also go to sleep.

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