Lost in a forest

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The Doctors POV

I was flicking switches on the controls figuring out a way to get back to Rose. but after trying I knew it wasn't physically possible, the machine needs to be turned off manually. I knew I could do anything until the TARDIS can land back in that little town, I've tried everything at this point. I sat down on the little bench waiting and hoping that someone will let the TARDIS back in, but nothing was happening. I walked over to the door and opened it and walked away and sat down at the edge of the TARDIS. Then I felt something getting thrown at me and I immediately looked around to see Rose's jumper behind me. The TARDIS held out the box again, I was guessing it was trying to make me put Rose's jumper back in the box to try and find her again, but I knew that wouldn't help,
"We are 100 miles away from the town, we can't find her out here," I say. The TARDIS hums at me again,
"It won't help if I put it in!" I say, but it hums up me once again do I end up putting it back in and the box disappears back into the controls. It hums in response and I walk outside, it already seemed to be getting dark again but I still decided to go for a walk.

It was just a massive greenfield for ages until I came across some trees, it was pretty much night, it was dead silent which I really wasn't used to. I decide to go over to where the trees were and sat down, I looked up at the sky 'seems to be about 1 am' I thought. I never really get tired but for some reason, I seemed really tired. I sat with my back against the tree trunk and fell asleep to the sound of silents.

I quickly woke up when it seemed to be about 8 in the morning when I heard someone or something walking and stepping on leaves, I quickly get up and go to hide.
"Quietly" I heard someone say, then I knew there was more than one and I could be in trouble. At this point, I was too deep into the forest to try and find my way back out so I just had to hide and then try and find my way out when they are gone.

I found some bushes and hid in them not noticing that there was a wild Ocelot in this bush, it quickly ran out making a lot of noise, I was hoping that them people wouldn't come over and see me here and just think it was the ocelot, I went to try and slowly and carefully get out the bush while I had the chance but accidentally brushed my hand passed a thorn making me quickly pull my hand away. Surprisingly it was a bigger cut than I first thought, I grabbed a cloth that I had in my pocket and tied it around my hand just in case, but as I was tying a knot in the cloth one of them looked straight at me and started to walk towards me and I knew I was busted, they were both holding spears made out of wood but they seemed very sharp, I thought quickly and then had an idea, I quickly finished tying the knot when the person moved the leaves out the way showing me sitting in the bushes
"I found someone" I heard them say. The other one then walked over and looked down at me.
"Who are you?" The other one said to me.
"I'm the doctor," they both looked at me waiting to say something else. "and I'm also escaping," I quickly stood up and ran and they both ran after me. I first wondered why they wanted me and what they might do to me, I tried to find my way out of the forest but I didn't know where I was going or if I was even going the right way. I heard one of them shout but I didn't understand what they were saying then a spear was thrown at me, luckily it missed me and went in front of me so I carried on running.

I was getting chased for about 2 minutes before another person came out from behind a tree and grabbed me.
"why you running?" I heard one of them say to me.
"Why are you trying to hunt me?" I say back "you wouldn't run after me if you wanted me for something, so what do you want." they all looked at me and then looked at each other.
"prisoner," one of them said,
"excuse me what?"
"prisoner, you run, we imprisoned you," I sighed not saying anything. I tried to set myself free slowly and carefully but they ended up grabbing my arms and hands. I quickly pull my hand away in pain from the cut earlier. One of them pulled away from the cloth from my hand.
"that doesn't need wrapping up, it's a small cut, I've seen and had worst" and then pulls up the sleeve showing a massive scar from where it looks like there was a massive cut on this arm.
"and this is one of the smallest injuries I have had, someone had their legs taken off by a lion once" I looked at him in a little suspicion.
"so you wanted me for?"
"We don't, just keeping you with us and we might need you in a few days" I then tried to get away again but they made sure I couldn't escape.
"So where are you going to take me?"
"back to our home and then we will go back off hunting for food, and when you die of hunger we will cook your body, like everyone else" I looked at them before answering
"what's the point of eating something or someone when they starve to death? that isn't going to give you much meat, that's why people feed animals before killing them," they all look at me puzzled and no one responded.

They started to walk back to where I'm guessing their home was, it was a few little shelters against trees and a hole in the ground, which looked like a basement.
"so where you keeping me, I could easily escape from the wooden houses you know." they didn't say anything in response and take me down into the hole that was in the ground, it was a dugout basement thing with stone around it. There was no door, I thought it was going to be easy getting out but then someone else came with a dog. They threw me in the little stone and dirt room and the lead the dog onto a long bit of stone just outside the door.
"many people have tried escaping but no one made it past the dog." I looked at him puzzled
"Does the dog have a name?" I ask curiously
"of course it does, its called dog" I look at the dog and then back at the people,
"ok, so you just leaving me now?" I ask
"yep, we will be back in 2 weeks for your body" they then walked away. I stood up and saw the cut in my hand had dirt in from when my hand was on the ground from when I was thrown in. I then just sat down in the corner and thought about Rose, if she was still alive she would probably be in a cell as well. I sighed and leant my head on the wall.

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